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本研究之目的在了解傢俱單添榫接的使用情形及其結構強度,透過文獻探討、專家訪談、學者座談、問卷調查、實驗研究等方式獲得相關資料,本研究結論如下: 一、不同地區受訪者,對於使用傢俱單添榫接的看法,沒有差異性存在,受訪者共120人,其中有共同看法者99人,佔82.5%。 二、不同地區受訪者,對於傢俱單添榫接不同榫寬尺寸之看法,沒有差異性存在(2/3=108人,佔90.0%、3/4=100人,佔83.3%、1/2=98人,佔81.6%) 三、三組試件共36件,其平均抗彎強度為3094.65kgf/cm 四、3/4榫寬之傢俱單添榫接試件,其平均抗彎強度為3751.5kgf/cm,為三組中最大者。 五、1/2榫寬之傢俱單添榫接試件,其平均抗彎強度為2520.45kgf/cm,為三組中最小者。 六、不同榫寬之試件其抗彎強度,經變異數分析結果,有顯著差異性存在,F值=44.27, P=.00<.05。 七、榫寬x1、榫孔含水率x2、榫頭含水率x3、榫孔紋理斜率x4及榫頭紋理斜率x5與榫接之抗彎強度,經逐步迴歸均呈顯著相關, (F=25.29,P=.00<.05)。
The purpose of the study is to survey on the using of Open Small with Double Joints (OSWDJ) and to test on the bending strength. Based on the data collected from the document studied, the experts in the field interview, academic experts forum, questionnaire, and experiment research. The important results are as follows: 1.There were no significant differences in perception regarding using of OSWDJ from different living areas.(There are 99 persons out of 120 persons agreed, which is 82.5 %.strongly in perception.) 2.There were no significant different in perception regarding width of OSWDJ on view point from different living areas that there are 108 persons out of 120 persons agreed at 90.0% from 2/3 with of OSWDJ. There are 100 persons out of 120 persons agreed at 83.3 %, and there are 98 out of 120persons agreed at 81.6% in persection. 3.The Bending strength of 36 testing objects among the three groups is 3094.65kgf/cm. 4.Testing objects of OSWDJ that3/4 joint width shows its average of bending strength value, 3751.5kgf, which is the highe among the three groups. 5. Testing objects of open small with double joints that 1/2 joint width has the average of bending strength value,2520.45 kgf, which is the weakest among the three groups. 6. The Bending strength of different testing objects of joint width varies with the result of variants anaiysis, F=44.27, P=. 00<. 05. 7.Under the OSWDJ, its Bending strength shows outstanding relationship in the stepwise regression among five variants that the width (x1) of the joint material, the moisture content (x2)of the mortise, the moisture content (x3) of the jenon, the textual slope (x4)of the mortise,the textual slope (x5)of the jenon and the anti-bending strength, F=25.29, P=. 00<. 05.



傢俱, 木工, 榫接, 單添榫, 抗彎強度, 平衡含水量, Furniture, Woodworking, Joint, Open Small with Double Joints, Bending Strength, Equilibuism Moisture Content

