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本研究旨在探討新北市國小教師情緒勞務、生涯召喚與工作投入之現況,以及不同背景變項之國小教師與其情緒勞務、生涯召喚與工作投入之間差異與相關性情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,問卷主要包括有:「國民小學教師情緒勞務量表」、「國民小學教師生涯召喚量表」,以及「國民小學教師工作投入量表」。以新北市公立國民小學教師為研究對象。依據分層抽樣方法來收集資料,總共寄發500份問卷,合計回收問卷共474份,回收率達94.80%,其中有效問卷443份,可用率88.60%。本研究採取描述性統計分析、平均數t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、階層迴歸分析等方法,進行資料統計分析。研究結果如下: 國小教師屬於高情緒勞務族群,其中,年齡長者傾向於表達真情流露、情緒勞務規範之情緒勞務;具有宗教信仰者傾向於表達真情流露之情緒勞務;服務年資長者傾向於表達修飾演出之情緒勞務。 國小教師屬於高生涯召喚族群,其中,年齡長者擁有較高程度超越奉獻之生涯召喚;具有宗教信仰者擁有較高程度超越奉獻之生涯召喚;追求學位進修者擁有較高程度自我實現之生涯召喚。 國小教師表現高工作投入程度,其中,年齡長者展現較高程度之工作投入傾向;具有宗教信仰者表現較高程度活力與專注。 國小教師情緒勞務、生涯召喚對工作投入具有顯著預測力,在控制背景變項後,當國小教師生涯召喚中追求愈多自我實現、超越奉獻,情緒勞務中表達愈多真情流露、愈少情緒勞務規範,則其工作投入程度愈高。 最後,綜合研究結果加以討論並提出對學校、教師及未來研究之建議,提供未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among emotional labor, career calling and work engagement of New Taipei City elementary school teachers. Questionnaire survey was used, it contained Emotional labor scales for Elementary School Teachers, Career Calling scales for Elementary School Teachers, Work Engagement scales for Elementary School Teachers. Copies of this research was distributed to elementary school teachers in New Taipei City. It selected the lamination statistic method to collect the information. There were 500 copies distributed, recycled 474 questionnaire, the questionnaire returns-ratio reached 94.8%, the effective questionnaire equaled 443, the effective questionnaire returns-ratio reached 88.6%. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation, and hierarchical moderator regression were employed for data analysis. The conclusions were as follows: Teachers in Elementary schools belonged to the group of high level of emotional labor. And, the older teachers tended to express genuine expression and regulations of emotional displays of emotional labor. Teachers who had religious belief tended to express genuine expression of emotional labor. Senior teachers tended to express aligned acting of emotional labor. Teachers in Elementary schools belonged to the group of high level of career calling. And, the older teachers and teachers who had religious belief had higher level of transcendent summons of career calling. Teachers who pursued advanced degrees, owned higher level of self-actualized of career calling. Teachers in Elementary schools performed to higher level of work engagement. And, the older teachers tended to perform higher level of work engagement. Teachers who had religious belief performed higher level of vigor and absorption of work engagement. Teachers has a significant predictive effect on the work engagement. After controlling the background variables, the higher the degrees of self-actualized and transcendent summons of the career calling, the higher degrees of work engagement for elementary school teachers will achieve. What’s more, the higher the degrees of genuine expression of emotional labor and the lower the degrees of regulations of emotional displays of emotional labor, elementary school teachers will achieve the same result that it’s. According to the results, suggestions are provided for schools, elementary school teachers and future studies.



工作投入, 生涯召喚, 情緒勞務, Career Calling, Emotional Labor, Work Engagement





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