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美國加州地區中文學校調查研究 中文摘要 關鍵詞:僑教、族裔教育、中文學校、中文、第二語言 美國地區中文學校擁有近1千所學校、8千位教師及10萬名學生的規模,是一個龐大的教育團體。近年來世界各地興起華語學習熱潮,許多國家透過教育體系,開設華語課程,招收不同族裔的學生,並給予學分,以納入體制,也逐漸形成巨大的學習人口。由於美國地區的中文學校往往以補習方式經營,選擇課後或週末上課,學生多數為華裔,所修課業大多沒有學分,與主流學校兩相比較之下,中文學校的教育條件較缺乏結構性,未來發展趨勢如何,格外值得關注。 鑒於加州地區中文學校的教師人數及學生人數占全美國中文學校的三分之一以上,因此本研究以之為研究對象,並就中文學校主要成員:校長、教師、家長及學生進行問卷調查。收回的有效問卷共有738份(校長問卷61份,教師問卷170份,家長問卷241份,學生問卷266份),另外訪談7位校長、1位主流教師及6位學生。研究分析以問卷調查為主,訪談及資料文獻分析為輔。此外也從僑務委員會的檔案中整理出有效的資料做為參考。 研究結果分為二大部分,一部分為中文學校現況,內容包括學校校齡、學校規模、師生來源、學校成員的學歷專業背景等靜態資料;另一部分則為學校成員對相關議題之意見與態度。關於問卷分析,除了將校長、教師、家長及學生四類問卷分別做出統計,也將問卷歸納整理出12項議題,包括四類成員的入校動機、學生學習意願與效果、教材評價、簡體字教學與漢語拼音的使用、師資甄選培訓與轉校任教問題、學分承認與學生的學校選擇、中文學校功能、中文學校教育性質、學生身分認同及對中文未來重要性的看法等。透過四類成員對此12項議題的看法與態度,進行綜合分析與討論,以求從不同成員的視角,分析未來中文學校可能的走向與發展。
A Study of the Chinese Schools in California, USA Abstract Keywords: heritage education、Chinese school、Mandarin Chinese、second language Chinese schools in the US as a category are a huge educational group which currently comprises at least one thousand schools, eight thousand teachers and one hundred thousand students. In recent years, learning Chinese has grown more and more popular around the globe. Many countries offer a wide variety of credited Chinese classes through educational systems which entail students from all races and ethnic backgrounds. The Chinese-learning population is rapidly growing. However, compared to the mainstream education system, Chinese schools’ students are typically of Chinese descent and usually do not receive credits. The entirety of this latter group is not on the mainstream track and lacks full support. Focusing on their development and future, Chinese schools have become our concern. The number of Chinese schools in California is about one-third of all the Chinese schools in the US, making California worthy as an area for research. In the survey used for this thesis, questionnaires were distributed to the member schools of ANCCS (Association of Northern California Chinese Schools) and SCCCS (Southern California Council of Chinese Schools). There were 738 valid questionnaires collected from 61 principles, 170 teachers, 241 parents and 270 students. In addition to questionnaires, the study employed in-depth interviews with 7 principles、6 students and 1 regular school teacher (by Email). Official documents from the OCAC (Overseas Compatriot Affaires Commission) were also used for reference. The research findings consist of two main parts. The first part is about basic information which includes: the year that the schools were established, the size of the schools and the background of the teachers and students. The second part involves attitudes and opinions related to 12 topics which include: motives and commitment, learning effect, textbook evaluation, teaching and learning simplified characters and Hanyu Pinyin, the recruitment of teachers, teacher training,teacher’s transferring from Chinese schools to public schools , the offering of Chinese courses with or without credits , how student’s choose between attending Chinese schools or public schools, the function of Chinese schools, student’s ethnic identity and the importance of Chinese language. Lastly, data and information from the analyses in this thesis will also provide a few predictions about the future of Chinese schools in California and the US.



中文, 中文學校, 族裔教育, 第二語言, 僑教, Chinese school, heritage education, heritage education, second language

