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本研究在探討我國地方政府公務人員參與數位學習態度與行為之關係,與目前學習的現況。根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以作為相關單位推動工作的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以我國25縣市地方政府公務人員為研究母群體(133,428人),依各縣市人數比例分層隨機抽樣供寄發740份問卷,回收取得有效樣本433份,扣除填答不全之廢卷4份。 歸納本研究之結果,主要有以下結論與發現: ㄧ、目前地方政府公務人員,多數配合服務機關要求下被動學習(50.8%),學習地點多數在服務機關(56.4%),每次約2小時以內(93.2%)。 二、目前地方政府公務人員以「地方行政研習e學中心」、「e等公務員學習網」、「文官e學苑」為主要學習網站。 三、地方政府公務人員參與數位學習態度上呈現正面認同。 四、課程內容的選擇以「法制類」與「專題類」為主,課程選擇與其工作息息相關,有助於增進其工作知能。 五、數位學習時受干擾的情形嚴重(86.0%),影響學習的品質,在學習時同時處理公務成為普遍現象。 六、地方政府公務人員參與數位學習態度與行為之間呈現顯著正相關。 七、地方政府公務人員參與數位學習態度對其數位學習行為具有顯著預測力。 依據以上結論與發現,本研究建議事項如下: ㄧ、主管部門應鬆綁參與數位學習的規範,如無須強制規定研習時數。 二、健全數位學習制度的規劃,以鼓勵取代強迫、以實質獎賞增進學習。 三、建立整合與資源分享的機制,以擴大數位學習範略。 四、加強軟硬體環境的建置,減少因網路頻寬的限制而產生的學習障礙。 五、規劃學習專區、專屬學習時段,以減少干擾。
This research is to explore attitude and behavior of the civil servants of local government in Taiwan who are required to participate in the computer-based training. The findings have some implications for the development of the e-learning program in future. A questionnaire was conducted into a sample of 740 randomly selected from 133,428 civil servants whom served for 25 local city governments during April and May in 2008. 433 out of those responded to the survey and 4 were incomplete. Major findings of the survey are summarized as following: 1. Half of the civil servants (50.8%) who concern their engagement in e-learning are under an obligation. 56.4% engage in e-learning in the office, and 93.3% adopt on-line learning within 2 hours each time that is fulfill the minimum requirement. 2. Several web sites are often used by the civil servants, such as ‘E-learning Center of the Local Administration’, ‘Learning Net of the E Officials’, and ‘NCSI e-College’. 3. Most of the civil servants are feeling comfortable about participation in the computer-based training program. 4. The educational contents including ‘Law and Legal’ and ‘Special Topics’ are selected regularly by the civil servants, because these subject matter contents are related and relevant to their daily work. 5. 86.0% of the civil servants respond that they have been interruption during the learning process, and claim that dealing both the business and e-learning simultaneously might damage the learning outcome. 6. The attitude and behavior of civil servants towards e-learning are significantly related to each other. 7. Both the attitude and behavior are best predictors in explanation of the civil servant’s preference of e-learning. Some suggestions are highlight: 1. The authority responsible for the public servant training should deregulate the policy which concerns the stipulation of compulsory e-learning time. 2. The implementation of computer-based training program should have the potential to encourage the learner, and provide the substantive reward. 3. It should establish the mechanism to coordinate the educational practice and on-line resource in order to expand the scope of e-learning. 4. It should enhance the infrastructure of computer-based provision and pool on-line resource to supporting e-learning, especially in establishment of the bandwidth network. 5. The local government should provide somehow more exclusive learning schedule and area that might reduce the learning disturbance.



公務人員, 義務性數位學習, 電腦本位訓練, 態度, 學習行為, civil servant, compulsory e-learning, computer-based training, attitude, study behavior

