

摘 要 本研究旨在探討「運動品牌形象」、「廣告效果」、「消費者購買行為」之差異性與影響因素,以台北市adidas旗艦店及直營專櫃共計9個賣點為對象,對實際購買adidas運動產品之消費者進行問卷調查,有效問卷為435份,並以描述性統計、單因子變異分析、TuKey多重比較法、t檢定、迴歸分析將資料進行統計分析,本研究結果如下: 一、本研究adidas主要消費族群,為年齡20歲以下及21-25歲年輕族群、未 婚、學生、高中職及大專校院之教育背景,且收入5,000-30,000元之消 費者為主。 二、不同職業與收入對adidas品牌形象達顯著差異(p< .05)。 三、adidas廣告效果與消費者不同收入間達顯著差異(p < .05)。 四、消費者購買行為與職業、年齡、收入間達顯著差異(p < .05)。 五、adidas運動品牌形象與廣告效果對消費者購買行為達顯著相關 (p<.05)。 根據研究結果得知,adidas主要消費對象以年輕之學生族群為主,他們重視品牌形象,因此,adidas行銷策略上應與學生族群建立相互信任的關係,持續傳遞品牌滿意度,對adidas未來市場的開拓必定有所助益。 關鍵詞:廣告效果、品牌形象、消費者購買行為
Abstract This thesis focused on the study of “adidas”, a name brand for sports wears, to discover the elements that influence and differenciate the result on “Sports Brand Image”, “Advertising Effect” and “Consumer (Purchasing) Behavior”. The study was done by posting questionnaires to adidas’ consumers that made purchases in adidas’ flagship store or 9 other adidas’ direct-sale counters in Taipei. Totaled 435 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way.ANOVA, t-square and the regression analysis. The results were summarized as follows: 1.The target consumers of this study were single high school or college students aged under 25. 2.“Brand Image of adidas” showed significant difference among variant professions and income levels. 3.”adidas’ Advertising Effect” showed significant difference among varied income levels. 4.“Consumer (Purchasing) Behavior” was significantly influenced by “profession”, “age group” and “income level”. 5.”The Brand Image of adidas” has strong correlation with “Advertising Effect” and “Consumer (Purchasing) Behavior”. According to the result, adidas mainly targets on the young student group, which take high remarks on the “Brand Image”. Therefore, adidas’ marketing strategy should focus on bonding the students with trust and carrying on the high sense of brand satisfaction in this group to continue to profit from this market. Key words: Advertising Effect, Brand Image, Consumer (Purchasing )Behavior



品牌形象, 廣告效果, 消費者購買行為, Brand Image, Advertising Effect, Consumer (Purchasing )Behavior

