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本研究旨在探討高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生學習滿意度之現況,並藉著探討各構面間的差異情形,進而瞭解不同個人背景變項之高職美容科學生輪調式建教合作教育學生學習滿意度。 本研究僅針對九十九學年度第一學期之學生抽樣施測,發出1100份問卷,回收問卷1079份,有效問卷為1042份,回收有效率為94.7%。 學習滿意度的評估工具,係使用自編調查問卷,其信度高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生在校學習滿意度為0.837,高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生在建教合作事業單位學習滿意度為0.907。內容分為學習環境、課程教材、教師教學、生涯規劃、人際關係、學習成果等六個構面。以SPSS For Windoe 15.0 進行統計分析;採用平均數、標準差、百分比、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t 考驗等統計方法加以分析探討。本研究主要發現為: 1.高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生對學校各構面學習滿意度呈高度滿意。 2.高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生對建教合作事業單位各構面學習滿意度呈高度滿意。 3.不同背景變項的高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生對「學校之學習 滿意度」,因以下背景因素:學校所在區域、就讀動機、家庭結構、畢業後之生涯規劃與實習場所之屬性的不同而有顯著差異。 4.不同背景變項的高職美容科輪調式建教合作教育學生對「建教合作事業單位之學習滿意度」,因以下背景因素:學校所在區域、就讀動機、畢業後之生涯規劃與實習場所之屬性的不同而有顯著差異。
This research was done to probe into the learning satisfaction of the students from the rotary cooperative education program including three grades in the Cosmetology Dept. of vocational high school. The discrepancies created among the different parameters will be discussed in order to achieve an understanding on the degree of learning satisfaction from the rotary students of different parameters such as personal backgrounds. And the period of school year is limited in the first semester of the 99 School Year. 1042 papers out of 1079 in total are 94.7% available. The learning satisfaction evaluative instrument is “self-edited questionnaire”. The students’ learning satisfaction toward every dimensions of school is 0.837. The students’ learning satisfaction toward cooperative educational institutes is 0.907. The questionaire contains learning achievements, practice environment, training courses, interpersonal relationships, teacher’s instruction and school administrations. The following conclusions are completed by SPSS for Windows (15.0) was the software used for the statistical calculations. Mean Value, t-Test and One-way ANOVA were analyzed in this statistical test. The major findings of the study are: 1. The cooperative educational program students in cosmetology department tend to be highly-satisfied toward every dimensions of schools. 2. The cooperative educational program students in cosmetology department tend to be highly-satisfied toward the cooperative educational institutes. 3. The learning satisfacation of different background varibles in cooperative educational program is significant. The background variables includes the location of school , the motivation of , the motivation of studying, the family stucture, the career plans as well as the cosmetology fields. 4. The satisfacation toward cooperative educational institutes of different background varibles in cooperative educational program is significant. The variables includes the location of school , the motivation of studying, the family stucture, the career plans as well as the cosmetology fields.



輪調式建教班, 學習滿意度, 高職美容科, Rotary Co-operative Education Program, Learning Satisfacation, Cosmetology Dept. Of Vocational High School

