

本研究主要目的有四:一是設計適合高中生的「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」。二是分析實施「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」後,學生知識信念與數學學習表現的情形。三是了解高中生實施「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」後,學生知識信念改變的歷程。四是探究教師實施「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」後個人在教學上的省思。 針對上述研究目的,本研究以知識信念改變的相關理論為基礎,結合建構認知心理學觀點,設計「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」並進行教學實驗。本研究採用單因子準實驗設計,研究對象為臺北市一所高中兩個班級共83位高一學生,實驗組學生41位(男19,女22),控制組學生42位(男18,女24)。本研究先藉由知識信念量表、學期中的定期評量(兩次期中考及一次期末考)為測量工具,分析教學實驗效果;再透過蒐集實驗組學生課堂的學習資料,深入了解學生知識信念的轉變情形;最後針對高、低知識信念學生及參與教學實驗老師進行訪談,探討個別學生及老師知識信念的改變歷程及省思。 研究結果發現: 一、本研究實施「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」有助於調整學生的知識信念。 二、本研究實施「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」有助於提升高中學生之學習表現。 三、學生在學習過程中會受到知識信念的影響,會因知識信念發展程度不同而有不同之學習意願、行動及對教學活動體會亦不同。 四、本研究「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」之實施,有助於提升導師之班級經營效能。 整體而言,本研究設計的「以調整知識信念為主的教學及班級經營策略」實驗課程有助於學生調整知識信念及提升學業成績表現,在整個實施之過程對老師班級經營、教學及學生學習過程產生了一些影響。最後研究者歸納並討論研究結果,針對教學及未來研究提出幾項建議,作為知識信念調整教學、班級經營與未來後續研究之參考。
The purposes of this study were: 1) to design teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management which were suitable for senior high school students in the mathematical classes and class management. 2) to design teaching program mainly on teaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management,and then examine the effects of teaching program for senior high school students on the epistemological beliefs and mathematical learning performance 3) To understand how students’ epistemological beliefs changed whilst teaching program mainly on teaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management. 4) To discuss the changes of teachers’ opinions when applying teaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs in mathematical classes and class management. The basis of this research was adjusting epistemological beliefs and its relative theories together with constructive cognitive psychology view. The teaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs had been designed as a quasi-experiment and applied to 83 first-year senior high school students in one senior high school in Taipei City. Single factor methodology was used in the research and the students were divided into two groups: one was experimental group which had 41 students (19 male and 22 female) and the other was controlled group which had 42 students (18 male and 24 female). Epistemological belief inventory and regular examination results were used to evaluate and analyse the effects of this method. In addition, learning documents in the experimental group were collected to fully understand how the students’ epistemological beliefs changed. And finally, the interviews to the students with higher or lower epistemological beliefs were introduced to discover the effective on individual students and teacher. The result of study were presented as follow: 1)Teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management had benefits on adjusting students’ epistemological beliefs. 2)Teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management had improved the students’ learning performance. 3)The students in learning period were affected by epistemological belief and the students with different epistemological belief developments had different learning attitudes, actions, and feelings. 4)Teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management also enhanced performance of teachers’ class management. Generally speaking, this research “Teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs and class management ” programme helped students to adjust epistemological beliefs and also improved their learning performance. The experiment affect teachers’ attitude on class management and teaching. The researcher also provided some recommendations for instructional assistance and future studies.



知識信念, 以調整知識信念為主的教學策略, 班級經營策略, 學習表現, epistemological beliefs, Teaching program mainly on taaching strategies for adjusting epistemological beliefs, class management strategies, learning performance

