
dc.description.abstract教育的目的,在於發展健全的人格,為社會國家培養良好的公民;因而教育的內容,不單是知識技能的傳授,尤應重視人格品德的陶冶。我國傳統教育的實施,咸重德育的指導,強調「教訓合一」與「經師人師並重」的精神,而現在的學校教育,並以「德、智、體、群、美」五育均衡發展的目標,同時實施導師制,加強對學生的生活、品德之輔導。凡此皆為實現教育的目的,以培養健全的國民。昔日的教育,因學生人數有限,採取個別化的教學,容易達成人格品德的陶冶;但自實施新式教育之後,為因應大量教育(mass education)的需要,改用班級型態的教學,於是教師面對眾多的學生,勢難予以周全的照顧。此外,又受到西洋個人自由主義及主智主義(intellectualism)的影響,師生關係趨於商業化,造成偏重知識的傳授而忽視德育的指導。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractThe class─instructor system is the major school discipline for instruction in junior highs school. Class instructors are responsible for class affairs and guiding the students toward obtaining sound personalities and becoming good citizens. The major job of the school discipline is mostly planned by the office of students. The major job of the school disciplines is mostly planned by the office of students services, but carried out by the class instructors. In order to have a whole understanding of the system, we should study carefully the actual situation of the system, as well as the administration of school discipline. As junior high students are at the adolescence in which their body and mind change a a rapid way, they need more cares and guides from the class instructors. In view of social manners, intellectualism, and juvenile delinquency getting worse, the research on the fields of the class─instructor system becomes essential under these circumstances. According to the above statement, the purposes of this study can be outlines as followed:1. To obtain a more thorough understanding of the temporary facts of the school discipline and the class─instructor system in junior high schools. 2. To acquire all the information about the difficulties and weakness of the class─instructor system, and to collect various viewpoints of class instructors for improving this system. 3. To make a comparison between urban and rural schools, large and small schools, about the effects of the system. 4. To make some suggestions for improving the class─instructor system. With the hope of fulfilling the above purposes, the method of document analysis, theoretic research, and questionnaire survey have been employed to this study. For grasping the work content of the class instructors and the ways they used to guide students, the literatures concerning the studies of the school discipline and the class─instructor system, are first discussed, then we systematize their work and duties toen_US
dc.publisherDepartment od Education, NTNUen_US
dc.title.alternativeA Study of the Present Situation and Reformation of the Class-instructor System in Junior High Schoolszh_tw
