ABSTRACT “Jabber”Emotion Café is the subject of this essay. After plenty of research of related documents and case studies, the author tries to build a creative emotional coffee brand which targets at urban women and create a series of visual designs. The purposes of this essay are as follows: use the principle of consumer semiology to constitute a new image strategy for an old coffee brand; expand into new consumer groups through this new image strategy and establish its own clear market positioning; meet requirements of niche markets by creating unique and creative visual image system. The methods of this study include analysis of theses, case study, market survey and verification. First step is to analyze and understand current trends of coffee business in Taiwan market, then use the concept of “Jabber” Emotion Café to build a new visual system of brand. Second, analyze market share, brand concept, brand strategy and sales channel of rival coffee brands as references for market positioning. Third, study the concept of “Wu-Shin” , theory of semiology, content of emotional design as references for brand-strategy making. Fourth, decide the positioning of a series of creative coffee brands, concept of brands and direction of designs. At last, draft and create all visual designs. Chapter 1 illustrates motive, purpose, definition of terms, method of research and structure of research. Chapter 2 includes documents research of emotional design, semiology, “Wu-Shin”, recent development of Taiwan coffee culture and case studies. Chapter 3 illustrates the process of creation of “Jabber” Emotion Café, including analysis of rival brands, image strategy of brand, direction of designs and drafting of designs. Chapter 4 introduces design concept of “Jabber” Emotion Café. In last Chapter, conclusion and suggestions are proposed. The value of this essay is to build brand culture of coffee by telling emotional stories. The author separates markets into 5 different types and designs 5 unique symbols for each type according to oriental natural philosophy and further creates a series of visual designs of creative emotional coffee brand in line with modern social circumstances. Keywords: Wu-Shin, Emotional-Design, Semiotics, Creative-Brand
ABSTRACT “Jabber”Emotion Café is the subject of this essay. After plenty of research of related documents and case studies, the author tries to build a creative emotional coffee brand which targets at urban women and create a series of visual designs. The purposes of this essay are as follows: use the principle of consumer semiology to constitute a new image strategy for an old coffee brand; expand into new consumer groups through this new image strategy and establish its own clear market positioning; meet requirements of niche markets by creating unique and creative visual image system. The methods of this study include analysis of theses, case study, market survey and verification. First step is to analyze and understand current trends of coffee business in Taiwan market, then use the concept of “Jabber” Emotion Café to build a new visual system of brand. Second, analyze market share, brand concept, brand strategy and sales channel of rival coffee brands as references for market positioning. Third, study the concept of “Wu-Shin” , theory of semiology, content of emotional design as references for brand-strategy making. Fourth, decide the positioning of a series of creative coffee brands, concept of brands and direction of designs. At last, draft and create all visual designs. Chapter 1 illustrates motive, purpose, definition of terms, method of research and structure of research. Chapter 2 includes documents research of emotional design, semiology, “Wu-Shin”, recent development of Taiwan coffee culture and case studies. Chapter 3 illustrates the process of creation of “Jabber” Emotion Café, including analysis of rival brands, image strategy of brand, direction of designs and drafting of designs. Chapter 4 introduces design concept of “Jabber” Emotion Café. In last Chapter, conclusion and suggestions are proposed. The value of this essay is to build brand culture of coffee by telling emotional stories. The author separates markets into 5 different types and designs 5 unique symbols for each type according to oriental natural philosophy and further creates a series of visual designs of creative emotional coffee brand in line with modern social circumstances. Keywords: Wu-Shin, Emotional-Design, Semiotics, Creative-Brand
五行, 情感設計, 符號學, 創意品牌