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一、 研究對象課後補習天數在3至4天,每週補習時數8至9小時;課後溫習天數在4至5天,每週溫習時數約10小時;父母教育程度以高中職及專科、大學畢業者居多,父親職業偏向技術性及半專業、一般公務員居多,母親職業則偏向無或非技術性工作者佔多數。
二、 研究對象具中上程度的運動享樂感與自覺運動利益,趨向中下程度的運動自我效能;家人、同學、朋友的運動支持以情感的運動支持影響最大,老師的運動支持則以訊息運動支持影響較大。
三、 研究對象大部分家庭都沒有運動場地及設備,運動器材則以跳繩、腳踏車、呼拉圈為主;社區運動使用場地以學校、公園、籃球場及體育場居多,運動設備以固定式的籃球框架及遊戲式的籃球機為主,運動器材則以腳踏車、籃球、羽球為主;學校運動場地以籃球場及排球場為主,運動設備也以籃球框架及排球網架為主,運動器材多使用籃球、排球、羽球、接力棒。
四、 研究對象每日有規律運動者約佔四成六,每週有規律運動者約佔四成一,顯示具有中等程度的規律運動;另每日約有四成四,每週約有五成二的研究對象接近有規律運動,因此規律運動的促進尚有待改進的空間。
五、 研究對象社會心理因素中之運動享樂感、運動自我效能、自覺運動利益與課後規律運動行為呈正相關;社會支持因素中之家人、同學、朋友運動支持及與課後規律運動行為呈正相關;環境因素中之家庭、社區運動器材設備與課後規律運動行為呈正相關。
六、 由迴歸模式分析發現研究對象運動自我效能愈高,自覺健康狀態愈好,運動享樂感愈多,社區運動器材愈完備,愈能增進課後規律運動行為。
The main research purpose of the thesis is to investigate the relationship among the factors of extra-curricular regular sport behavior of junior high school students. The mother colony of the study includes Grades 1, 2 and 3 students of a junior high school in Koahsiung County studying in the first school term of the academic year 2008. The study adopts stratified cluster random sampling method to carry out sampling. Totally, there were 432 samples collected. By using the research tool of a self-edited structural questionnaire, the study collected information from the questionnaires filled out by groups. The test was made during the period from September 29 to October 7, 2008. Some significant results are summarized as follows: 1. Each of the research targets who took cram school classes for 3 to 4 days after school spent 8 to 9 hours on studying at cram schools every week. Each of the research targets who took cram school classes for 4 to 5 days after school spent about 10 hours on studying at cram schools every week. The education levels of the students’ parents were mainly senior high school, vocational high school, junior college and university. The occupations of the students’ fathers inclined to be of technical and semi-professional area, and be the general civil servants. The students’ mothers were mainly the no-skill or non-technical workers. 2. The sport enjoyment sense and self-conscious sport benefits of the research targets with above-average academic performance tended to have medium to below-medium level of sport self-efficacy. Among the sport supports from family, classmates and friends, the sport support of affection had the greatest influence. As to the sport supports of teachers, information sport support had greater influence. 3. A majority of the families of research targets did not have sport places and equipments. Their sport instruments were mainly skipping ropes, bicycles and hula hoops. The sport places used in their community were mainly the school, parks, basketball courts and sport grounds. Their sport equipments were mainly the fixed basketball frames and basketball shooting machines; and their sport instruments were mainly bicycles, basketballs and badmintons. The sport places used at schools were mainly the basketball court and volleyball court. Their sport equipments were also mainly the fixed basketball frames and volleyball net systems; and their sport instruments were mainly basketballs, volleyballs, badmintons and relay batons. 4. The research targets having regular sports every day were around 46% of the total targets, and those having regular sports every week were only 41% of the total targets, revealing that the students took moderate degree of regular sports. Besides, around 44% of the research targets took up regular sports every day; and 52% of the research targets took up regular sports every week. Therefore, the facilitation of regular sports still has room for improvement. 5. Among the socio-psychological factors of the research targets, sport enjoyment sense, sport self-efficacy and self-conscious sport benefits have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. Among the social support factors, the supports from families, classmates and friends have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. Among the environmental factors, sport instruments and equipments in families and communities have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. 6. As observed from the analysis of regression model, the higher the sport self-efficacy of research models, the better the self-conscious health condition; and the stronger the sport enjoyment sense, the sounder the sport instruments of community. As a result, the extra-curricular regular sport behavior can be more improved.
The main research purpose of the thesis is to investigate the relationship among the factors of extra-curricular regular sport behavior of junior high school students. The mother colony of the study includes Grades 1, 2 and 3 students of a junior high school in Koahsiung County studying in the first school term of the academic year 2008. The study adopts stratified cluster random sampling method to carry out sampling. Totally, there were 432 samples collected. By using the research tool of a self-edited structural questionnaire, the study collected information from the questionnaires filled out by groups. The test was made during the period from September 29 to October 7, 2008. Some significant results are summarized as follows: 1. Each of the research targets who took cram school classes for 3 to 4 days after school spent 8 to 9 hours on studying at cram schools every week. Each of the research targets who took cram school classes for 4 to 5 days after school spent about 10 hours on studying at cram schools every week. The education levels of the students’ parents were mainly senior high school, vocational high school, junior college and university. The occupations of the students’ fathers inclined to be of technical and semi-professional area, and be the general civil servants. The students’ mothers were mainly the no-skill or non-technical workers. 2. The sport enjoyment sense and self-conscious sport benefits of the research targets with above-average academic performance tended to have medium to below-medium level of sport self-efficacy. Among the sport supports from family, classmates and friends, the sport support of affection had the greatest influence. As to the sport supports of teachers, information sport support had greater influence. 3. A majority of the families of research targets did not have sport places and equipments. Their sport instruments were mainly skipping ropes, bicycles and hula hoops. The sport places used in their community were mainly the school, parks, basketball courts and sport grounds. Their sport equipments were mainly the fixed basketball frames and basketball shooting machines; and their sport instruments were mainly bicycles, basketballs and badmintons. The sport places used at schools were mainly the basketball court and volleyball court. Their sport equipments were also mainly the fixed basketball frames and volleyball net systems; and their sport instruments were mainly basketballs, volleyballs, badmintons and relay batons. 4. The research targets having regular sports every day were around 46% of the total targets, and those having regular sports every week were only 41% of the total targets, revealing that the students took moderate degree of regular sports. Besides, around 44% of the research targets took up regular sports every day; and 52% of the research targets took up regular sports every week. Therefore, the facilitation of regular sports still has room for improvement. 5. Among the socio-psychological factors of the research targets, sport enjoyment sense, sport self-efficacy and self-conscious sport benefits have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. Among the social support factors, the supports from families, classmates and friends have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. Among the environmental factors, sport instruments and equipments in families and communities have positive correlation with extra-curricular regular sport behavior. 6. As observed from the analysis of regression model, the higher the sport self-efficacy of research models, the better the self-conscious health condition; and the stronger the sport enjoyment sense, the sounder the sport instruments of community. As a result, the extra-curricular regular sport behavior can be more improved.
國中生, 規律運動, 運動享樂感, 運動自我效能, 自覺運動利益, 社會支持, 運動器材設備, junior high school students, regular exercise, sport enjoyment, self-efficacy for exercise, perceived benefits for exercise, social support, sport instruments and equipments