
dc.contributorLiang, Lia Wen-Chingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Yu-Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract本文論述筆者撰寫《這樣紫樂團》之劇本創作暨音樂創作歷程報告,第一章為創作動機與理念,分別說明劇本的創作動機與目的,以及探討劇本的核心價值;第二章為劇本創作與角色設計,將分為角色塑造、故事大綱、劇情架構等對劇本內容做更詳細的分析 ; 第三章為歌曲敘事與曲目分析,筆者同為《這樣紫樂團》之編劇暨作曲,將會說明如何以流行音樂曲式結構作為基底,並運用音樂劇歌曲之功能結合在音樂創作上,以及分析本劇之音樂設計;第四章為脫胎換骨的《這樣紫樂團》,將會說明筆者如何彙整口試委員們在112年1月之演講音樂會給予研究生的寶貴建議,並融合全新的元素至此次畢業製作之文本暨音樂創作。作品由三位在大學社團認識的好朋友相約組樂團作為起始點,三人起初玩音樂的最終目標皆為期許樂團能夠成為畢業後的主要職業。他們一路上經歷許多比賽及演出,亦締造角色之間同甘共苦的夥伴情誼。不過,由於每個角色受到原生家庭加諸時間、壓力等因素影響,使三位主要角色間之原先共識產生巨變。究竟在理想與現實的考量下,角色們是否能繼續把樂團當作一份正式的工作?抑或是另謀正職,僅將玩樂團視為下班後的休閒娛樂?作品中角色們在最後皆未將組團作為未來志業,然三位角色間之共通點即是熱愛一同寫歌創作的過程,透過音樂將三人齊聚一堂,並用歌曲記錄每一個人生階段的點點滴滴。儘管夢想未於一開始實現,音樂卻讓他們找到真實的自己,也讓他們相信只要堅守信念,夢想終究會引領他們前進。筆者希望能透過作品傳達出即便未來所選的工作與當初預期的目標關聯不大,也並非代表著自己不夠優秀、一無是處,我們仍可透過不同的方式來接觸自己喜愛的領域,毋須因未實現當初的夢想而感到自怨自艾,反而要更有自信地跟大家說:「我很喜歡我現在的工作,但我並未放棄我的夢想,依舊在這條道路上努力著!」希望能藉此鼓舞每位對未來徬徨無助的人們,期許大家皆能從「心」出發,選擇自己所愛並發揮無限的潛能,成為自己心目中最理想的模樣。人生只有一次,無論自己想要做什麼,只要自己有興趣或熱情便放膽去嘗試吧!不論結果如何,只要有一口呼吸存在,都有機會重來再繼續努力實現你心中的夢想。從現在起,在不長也不短的生命裡,去做自己喜歡的事吧,只要心之所向,一定會超乎想像!zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis is a report on the creation and interpretation of the original Mandarin musical “Purple Band”. Chapter one provides the motivation and purpose of creation and discusses the core value of the play. Chapter two introduces the script creation and character setting, where character shaping, story outline, and plot structure are further analyzed as the author dive deeper into the script. The author is the playwright as well as the composer of this musical, so in chapter three, music analysis, the author explains how the compositional base of pop-song structures are put into use while utilizing the functions of musical numbers and providing the analysis of the music design. Chapter four shows how the author compiled valuable advice from the oral examination committee members at the speech concert earlier in January 2023, and integrated new elements into the text and music creation of this graduation production piece.“Purple Band” begins with three good friends who met in a university club forming a band. Their ultimate goal at first was to make being a band musician their main career in the future. Their friendship developed through thick and thin as they participated in numerous competitions and performances. However, the huge differences among each character's primary families had caused the original consensus for their future career plan to break down, alongside with the effect of time and pressure. Is it possible for the protagonists to continue treating band musicians as a formal job as they struggle between ideal and reality? Or is it only possible to have another job and only regard it as an after-work entertainment? At the end of the story, none of the three kept their music band dream as their final career choice. However, their shared lovefor the process of co-songwriting has brought them together, and the songs they wrote served as a record for each stage of their lives. Although their dream was not realized at the beginning, music has led them to the discovery of their true selves, and made them believe that as long as they stick to their beliefs, their dreams will eventually guide them forward.Through this work, the author hopes to convey that even if the job chosen in the future has little to do with the original goal, it does not mean that one is not good enough or should be deemed useless. One could always get access to their fields of interests via various measures, and there is no need for oneself to be immersed in self-pity. Instead, one should confidently say, “I like the job I am doing now, and I have not given up on my dream. I am still striving hard along the way!” The author hopes to encourage anyone who feels helpless about the future, and that everyone can follow their heart, choose whatever they love, realize their unlimited potential, and become their most ideal self. We only live once—no matter what you want to do, just give it a go as long as you are enthusiastic about it. Whatever the result may be, as long as life endures, there is always a chance to start over and continue the pursuit of your dream. From now on, just do whatever you like. As long as it is what your heart desires, it will go beyond imagination!en_US
dc.subjectMandarin Musicalen_US
dc.subjectOriginal Scripten_US
dc.titleThe Script Writing and Composition Report of The Original Musical Purple Banden_US

