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中 文 摘 要 晚期現代性社會所啟動的全球化,衝擊個人生活和社會制度的穩定性。在國家層次上,群體的資源和權益,需要尊重其文化價值和行為系統,如個別群體語言和文字的運用、語言和文字交流和深化的機會、個別群體生活空間的建構等。除典型國族認同外之外,亦需創發差異公民身份共同生活的差異原則。在個體層次上,生活中政治選擇和政治決定的屬性,已從公共生活領域延伸到日常生活事件,公民身份往往不僅僅是認同的表徵,且意指社會對其成員認知、情意及技能的系列性規劃,進一步指涉個體在日常生活中所採取的價值、態度以及行動。亦即,解放政治之外,個人生活政治屬性逐漸浮現。 本研究乃是建構全球化脈絡下成人公民身份的結構之理想類型,並且進一步以不同類型的社區大學課程內容進行分析。瞭解不同類型社區大學的成人公民身份實踐,以及其課程結構和課程內涵等實徵經驗的精神以及趨向。本研究以立意抽樣擇定宜蘭社區大學、信義社區大學以及永和社區大學加以類型化。以文獻分析為起點,發展全球化脈絡下成人公民身份之結構。進一步應用內容分析法與SPSS資料統計工具,進行三所社區大學課程內容文本的描述、統計以及詮釋。課程內容的類目建構乃採取紮根取徑,建立內容分析的邏輯,其層次包括:二大領域(公共領域/私人領域)、四大範疇(政治公民身份、文化公民身份、經濟公民身份、親密公民身份)、九大層面(世界公民身份/國家公民身份、族群公民身份/階級公民身份/性別公民身份、職場技能/職場倫理、自我發展/家人關係)。本研究的目的有三:(一)探討全球化脈絡下成人教育機構及課程的轉變,及成人公民身份的內涵。(二)評析台灣不同類型社區大學實踐成人公民身份的特色及其問題。(三)提供成人公民身份發展方向和社區大學課程規劃的參考建議。 本研究的結論如次: 一、 課程結構方面 (一) 二大領域上,公民身份的課程結構具有公共屬性,惟私人領域議題納入成人學習的趨勢明顯。 (二) 四大公民身份的課程結構具有其一致性,課程結構中四大範疇的親密公民身份比例較高,經濟公民身份比例較低。 (三) 九個公民身份層面上,自我發展、族群議題和世界公民身份的比例較高;職場倫理、階級公民身份、性別公民身份和家人關係的比例則偏低。 (四) 不同類型社區大學其所在地域的獨特性表現於公民身份的實踐。 二、 課程內涵方面 (一) 連結在地性的知識和行動,以因應全球化社會的衝擊。 (二) 成人公民身份課程內涵具有的雙重性光譜現象:權力議題上,凸顯全球網絡連結和在地群體認同的並存。經濟議題上,呈現競爭商業邏輯和工作倫理重整的並存競逐。親密議題上,凸顯個體自我生命歷程和家人關係兩者之間的失衡。 (三) 成人公民身份課程內涵偏重特定內容且存在侷限。 本研究的建議主要有: (一) 對學術界進行成人教育課程研究的建議:因全球化脈絡下,在地文化、認同選擇、自我發展生命歷程、性別議題認同等議題之當代性,愈加強化。故而亟需在差異基礎上,建立得以維繫共同良善(common goods)、集體生活(collective life)、社會責任(social responsibility)的課程論述。 (二) 對社區大學進行成人公民身份課程規劃之建議:政治公民身份的選材應可採權利和責任並重原則、文化公民身份的選材可應採群體和認同並重原則、經濟公民身份的選材可應採生產和適應並重原則、親密公民身份的選材可應採表達和關懷並重原則。 (三) 對社區大學落實成人公民身份課程實施之建議:學習者的參與上,鼓勵積極公民的參與和行動,是社區大學需要繼續深化的方向。師資養成上,提昇教師連結全球化社會和公民身份學習之意識。教材發展上,有益於建立多元認同的教材有其迫切性。 (四) 對進行相關後續研究的建議:研究主題上,基於本研究成人公民身份結構上,未來應可進一步發展成人公民身份學習標準以及補充課程相關主題的研究。研究方法上,基於研究對象和研究素材的選擇上,未來可擴大研究個案以及納入其他研究素材,嘗試建立全國性的觀察與分析。研究應用上,基於成人公民身份的研究基礎上,建議未來可研議行動研究方案。 關鍵字:全球化(globalization)、公民身份(citizenship)、成人教育(adult education)、成人教育社會學(sociology of adult education)、社區大學(community college)
Adult Citizenship under the Context of Globalization: Curriculum Content Analysis on the Yi-lLan, SinYi, and Yonghe Community Colleges. Globalization which comes from the late modernity society impacts the stability of personal life and social system. At a national level, the political systems must take into account the cultural values and behavioral traditions of the minorities, such as the use of group languages and words, the opportunity of languages and words exchanges, the construction of groups spaces. It needs to build not only the national identity but also the diversity on differentiated citizenship. At the level of individuals, political choices and decisions have extended from a public sphere to the daily life events. Citizenship is not only an identity. It also reflects the knowledge, emotions and skills of the members of a society. Therefore, this further infers the values, attitudes and actions of an individual and constructs the political dimension of the personal life. Individual political attributes thus gradually come to surface. This study aims at constructing an ideal type of adult citizenship under the context of globalization. The main research method is context analysis, focusing on the syllabus which includes the titles, aims, guidelines, teaching and evaluations of curriculum in community colleges. There are Yilan, SinYi and Yonghe Community Colleges taken as the cases of study, which are classified into three types. The construction of the curriculum analysis items is built using grounded approach.The logic of the content analysis has three levels: the first level is the public and private spheres; the second level is the four categories of political citizenship, cultural citizenship, economic citizenship and intimate citizenship. The third level is the nine aspects of cosmopolitan/ national citizenship, ethnic citizenship/ class citizenship/ gender citizenship, vocational skills/ vocational ethic, and self development/ family relationship. This study has three objectives: 1. Exploring the transformation of adult institutions and curricula as well as the meaning of citizenship under the context of globalization. 2. Analyzing the characteristics and issues concerning adult citizenship in different types of community colleges in Taiwan; 3. Providing suggestions for the future development of adult citizenship and the curriculum plans of community colleges. The conclusion of this study reflects two dimensions as follows: 1. On the dimension of curriculum: (1). On the sphere level: the public sphere is the main constitution of curriculum structure, as it has taken the proportion of above 60%. However, the curriculum structure on the part of private sphere also shows a performance of over 30%. (2). On the level of category: the distribution of the four categories follows the order of intimate citizenship, political citizenship, cultural citizenship, and economic citizenship. (3). On the level of aspect: self development, ethnic citizenship and cosmopolitan compose a higher percentage; on the contrary, the vocational ethic, class citizenship gender citizenship and family relationship have lower performance. (4). The locations of different types of community colleges are characteristically significant to the citizenship practice. 2. On the dimension of curriculum content (1). By linking the local knowledge and actions, the curriculum of community colleges respond to the social impacts created by globalization . (2). The phenomenon of duality spectrum: regarding the political issues, global connection and local identity coexist. In terms of economic issues, capitalist logics and the re-structuring of work ethics in competition is found. The imbalance of individual life and family relationship is another point of highlight when it comes to the intimate issues. (3). The adult citizenship curriculum is content-specific and it is not without limitations. This study attempts to provide three suggestions: (1). Suggestions to the academic community: it has to reinforce on the part of curriculum discourse regarding the issues of developing citizenship, and maintain the common goods, collective world, and social responsibility. (2). Suggestions to the curriculum plan of community college: the materials to political citizenship should give consideration both to the rights and responsibilities; the materials concerning cultural citizenship should take both the group and identity into consideration. The materials used for economic citizenship should put an equal emphasis on production and adaptation while expression and concern on the materials for intimate citizenship. (3). Suggestions to the curriculum implementation for community colleges: the community colleges must encourage learners’ participation and raise teachers’ awareness of a globalized society and citizenship teaching. Develop diversified materials for adult education is an urgent demand. (4). Suggestions to follow-up research: based on the research of adult citizenship structure, research on the learning standards of adult citizenship can be developed while increasing research opportunities relevant to the curriculum. More study cases can be added and applied in the communities located in southern Taiwan. Carrying out action research programs on the basis of adult citizenship will be a more practical study approach in the future. Key words: globalization, citizenship, adult education, sociology of adult education, community college.



全球化, 公民身份, 成人教育, 成人教育社會學, 社區大學, globalization, citizenship, adult education, sociology of adult education, community college

