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摘要 村里組織是台灣實施地方自治的最基層編組,而作為第一線基層行政中心的村里長,更是影響地方自治行政功能甚鉅。台灣的村里制度雖由來已久,但隨着近年來村里長功能定位的質變,加上社區主義及公民意識的興起,乃至與相關基層組織事權的高度重疊,使得村里長的定位及村里功能受到衝擊,實有重新檢視之必要。 村里組織問題,學者及各校博、碩士研究生已多有研究,惟該等研究多偏重於村里組織制度或村里長職務功能之問題,少有專注於探討村里長之定位問題者。村里長定位問題涉及的面向甚為廣泛,除牽涉村里長本身角色地位功能外,尚涉及地方相關基層組織之變動、法令的修訂、政府財政預算、選舉制度等因素,彼此並交互影響,且村里長定位若予調整後,相關配套機制的推動,亦為地方自治完備化之重要關鍵。 本研究以村里長的定位為主軸,除就村里制度,村里長與村里辦公處定位、村里長與村里幹事的競合問題,村里長與鄉鎮市區公所的關係,村里組織與社區發展協會的互動與整合等問題探討外,並對村里長為「無給職」或「有給職」之利弊予以分析,期以對村里長定位的相關問題提出建議。 關鍵詞:地方自治、村里長、村里長定位、村里制度、角色、社區發展、有給職、無給職、
Abstract Village and Neighborhood organization is the most basic regimentation of home rule in Taiwan. Being the first line basic government center, the Village and Neighborhood chiefs have a large influence in the local self-government administration. Although the Village and Neighborhood organization has been functioned for many years, as the position of the chiefs of Village and Neighborhood has changed recently, the development of community autonomy and civic awareness, and the highly overlap of relative basic organizations, the position and function of Village and Neighborhood have been impacted. The Village and Neighborhood organization really need to be re-examined. The issues about Village and Neighborhood functioning have been studied by many scholars for years. However most studies focus on the Village and Neighborhood system organizational or functions of Village and Neighborhood chiefs, and rarely discuss about the positioning of Village and Neighborhood chiefs. The range of Village and Neighborhood chiefs positioning problems are very wide. Except the role of the chiefs of Village and Neighborhood, it also relatives to the changes of local related organization, laws modification, government financial budget and election rules. These factors influence interactively. After the redefinition of Village and Neighborhood chiefs, the implementation of relative set is the very key point in local home rule completeness. This study discuss mainly on the Village and Neighborhood chiefs position. Besides the system, positioning, cooperation and competition of Villages and Neighborhoods, the relationship among villages, neighborhoods, countryside, towns and cities, and the interaction and integration issues between Village and Neighborhood organization and community development associations, this study also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages whether if the chiefs of Village and Neighborhood are paid by salaries or not. This research tries to give some suggestions for the positioning problems of Village and Neighborhood chiefs. Keywords:local self-government, Village and Neighborhood chiefs, Village and Neighborhood chiefs position, Village and Neighborhood system, Role, community development, paid by salaries or not.



地方自治, 村里長, 村里長定位, 村里制度, 角色, 社區發展, 有給職, 無給職, local self-government, Village and Neighborhood chiefs, Village and Neighborhood chiefs position, Village and Neighborhood system, Role, Community development, paid by salaries or not

