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近年國內運動風氣盛行,運動產業蓬勃發展,創造龐大的經濟效益。但產業內部管理上仍有改善的空間,由於運動指導員專業能力參差不齊,加上組織缺乏完善的人才培育、薪資、升遷、福利制度,指導員因而對組織缺乏認同感,造成流動率居高不下。本研究探討內部行銷、知覺價值、滿意度、忠誠度四者間的關聯性,以及知覺價值對滿意度、忠誠度之影響,分析運動指導員對於組織內部行銷之需求。本研究針對曾在運動俱樂部,任職運動指導員超過一年者,作為研究對象進行問卷調查,收集資料與分析,經信度、專家效度的檢定後,使用T-test檢定、單因子變異數(One way ANOVA)分析背景變項的差異性,最後進行結構方程式分析,探討內部行銷、知覺價值、滿意度、忠誠度之間的關聯性。研究結果發現,運動休閒教育產業之內部行銷會正向影響運動指導員之滿意度、忠誠度,同時滿意度亦對忠誠度有顯著正向影響;而運動指導員之知覺價值亦會正向影響其滿意度、忠誠度。運動指導員之不同年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度在內部行銷、知覺價值上有顯著差異。
With doing sports prevailing as a trend in recent years, the sports industries have been booming, creating tremendous economic benefits. However, there is still room for improvement in the internal management. For example, the loose recruiting system adopted by sports institutions leads to the problem that some instructors are equipped with professional abilities, while others are not. In addition, instructors fail to identify with the institutions which are lacking in sound cultivation, salary, promotion, and welfare system. This brings about the rising turnover rate. To analyze the instructors’ demand for the institutions’ internal marketing by exploring the relationship between internal marketing and each of the three variables: perception value, satisfaction, and loyalty. The influence of perception value on satisfaction and loyalty respectively is also investigated. Method:this study adopts the questionnaire survey to collect and analyze the data. Subjects of this study are instructors who have worked over a year in fitness centers or sports clubs, who are required to fill out the questionnaires. Reliability and expert validity are conducted on the questionnaires. Next, the t-test and One way ANOVA are applied to analyze the differences in the relationship between the subjects’ background variables and their perception value, satisfaction, and loyalty. Finally, the structural equation is adopted to analyze the relationship between internal marketing and each of the three variables. The research conclusion: the internal marketing of sports industries has a positive influence on instructors’ satisfaction and loyalty; meanwhile, satisfaction has a significantly positive influence on loyalty. Also, the instructors’ perception value influences satisfaction and loyalty in a positive way. Lastly, in terms of different ages, marital statuses, education levels of the instructors, their internal marketing and perception value are significantly different.



專家效度, 結構方程式, 單因子變異數分析, 運動俱樂部, 內部管理, expert validity, structural equation, One-way ANOVA, sports club, internal management





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