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本研究旨在瞭解外籍配偶子女幼兒園生活適應的情形及其相關因素,採取質性研究之個案研究方式進行,研究參與者為一位中班新生之外籍配偶子女-嘟弟,母親為越南籍。 本研究以進入幼兒園現場觀察為主要蒐集資料的方式,經過八個月共48次的觀察與多次訪談嘟弟的教師與父母,將嘟弟在幼兒園生活適應情形分為「學習適應」、「常規適應」、「師生關係」、「同儕關係」、「文化與國籍」,並分析嘟弟幼兒園生活適應之相關因素,包含家庭與幼兒園兩個層面。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、嘟弟幼兒園生活適應的情形 (一)學習適應:嘟弟在開學之初出現分離焦慮的情形,在父母與教師的陪伴下,促使嘟弟在三週內適應幼兒園新情境;嘟弟的學習態度正向而積極,會主動參與團體討論、反應快,唯專注力較不足;嘟弟的學習表現無論是數概念、工作、語言方面的表現均相當良好。 (二)常規適應:嘟弟未能遵守團體規範,較易在課堂上出現愛說話、不當的肢體動作、好動的行為,需要教師的提醒才能停止;嘟弟亦缺乏生活自理能力、挑食、衛生習慣不佳。 (三)師生關係:教師對嘟弟並未存有刻板印象,強調嘟弟在禮節與常規方面的學習,以一般標準看待嘟弟在幼兒園的表現,但從上學期中開始,受到嘟媽的介入而促使教師對嘟弟的要求有所改變,然師生關係未受此影響;嘟弟對於教師保持正向的態度,渴望獲得教師的注意與肯定,較少倚賴教師的特別照顧。 (四)同儕關係:嘟弟從開學之初透過主動參與遊戲與同儕建立關係;同儕並未因嘟弟外籍配偶子女的身分而對其有異樣眼光;嘟弟與男生幼兒互動較多,會尋求同儕依賴與認同,與同儕的互動模式偏向自我中心,較少利他行為,常有衝突與攻擊事件發生;嘟弟在班上亦有固定的好朋友。 (五)文化與國籍:嘟弟能夠知覺父母來自不同國籍,也會和幼兒園教師或同儕宣稱自己是越南人,可能是受到過去在越南的生活經驗影響。由於母親為外籍配偶之故,嘟弟比其他幼兒有許多機會與不同國籍的人相處,但均未因文化的差異而產生適應不良的問題。 二、嘟弟幼兒園生活適應的相關因素 (一)家庭層面:包括家長參與、父母教養方式、父母的教育期待、母親中文能力、家庭支持系統、家庭學習資源。 (二)幼兒園層面:教師對外籍配偶子女的看法、親師互動與同儕。 最後,依據主要研究發現歸納結論,並提出外籍配偶子女研究與實務上之建議。 關鍵字 外籍配偶子女 幼兒園生活適應 學校生活適應 個案研究
The main purpose of this study is to understand kindergarten adjustment and correlation factors of foreign spouse’s children, adopting case study of qualitative study in process. The research participant is a five years old child (Doody), who is a new pupil from foreign spouse. His Mother’s nationality is Vietnam. The method of gathering information for this case study was participant observation in the kindergarten. Through 8 months over 48 times observations and several interviews with Doody’s teacher and parents, Doody’s kindergarten adjustment can be divided into the following aspects:learning adjustment, regulation adjustment, teacher-student relationship, child-child relationship, culture and nationality. In addition, analyzing Doody’s kindergarten adjustment’s correlation factors include family and kindergarten two aspects. The major results of this study were as followed: 1.Doody’s kindergarten adjustment (1)Learning adjustment:Doody would appear to have trouble with separation anxiety. Accompanied by parents and teachers, Doody was apparently adapted to the kindergarten new situation in three weeks. His learning attitude is positive and active, and willingly takes part in group discussion, quick reflection, except little attention. In general, his learning in the aspects of number concept, work, and language are well-performed. (2)Regulation adjustment:Doody fails to follow group regulations, has an inclination to talkativeness in class, ill-limbed actions, and active behaviors. Those improper behaviors need to be warned him of stopping by his teachers. Doody lacks the ability of self-tidiness, is particular over dishes and has a bad sanitary habit. (3)Teacher-student relationship:As a foreign spouse’s child, teachers remain no stereotype impression of Doody , emphasize his learning of courtesy and regulations, and treat him with regular standard. However, since Last midterm, with his mother’s interference, teacher’s demands for Doody’s learning have been changing, but it has no effect on teacher-student relationship. Doody shows a very positive attitude with his teacher, a desire for teacher’s attention and praise and no reliance on teacher’s particular care. (4)Child-child relationship:At the beginning of new school year, Doody is in classmates’ company through actively joining playing. His classmates never discriminate against Doody due to his position from a foreign spouse’s child. Doody is more interactive with male playmates, seeking for dependence and identity from classmates. The interaction among playmates incline to egocentricity and little altruistic behaviors, frequent conflicts and attacks might occur. Besides, Doody has good friends. (5)Culture and nationality:Doody can be aware of his parents with different nationality. He also claims that he is Vietnamese in public, which might result from living experience in Vietnam. With the Vietnamese mother, Doody has more opportunities to get along with those who have different nationality than any other child. On the other hand, weak-adjustment problem doesn’t exist despite culture diversity. 2.Correlation factors of Doody’s kindergarten adjustment (1)Family aspect:Including parents involvement, parent cultivation method, parents’ education expectation, mother’s ability in Chinese, family support system, family learning resources. (2)Kindergarten aspect:Teacher’s views on foreign spouse’s children, the interaction between parents and teachers, and child-child relationship. To sum up, on the basis of the major results of this case study propose conclusion, and suggestions about foreign spouse’s children research and practice. Keyword:foreign spouse’s children, kindergarten adjustment, school adjustment, case study.



外籍配偶子女, 幼兒園生活適應, 學校適應, 個案研究, foreign spouse's children, kindergarten adjustment, school adjustment, case study

