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本研究以捷克初級學習者為研究對象,使用問卷調查與學習者日記紀錄分析漢字學習策略的三個領域:第一、使用量化研究方法分析漢字學習策略的使用頻率與學習者對策略主觀效用的看法;第二、使用質化研究分析學習者在背生字的過程中所使用的記憶技巧;第三、探討多元智能(Gardner, 1983, 1999)與學習策略之間的關聯。最後,基於研究結果,本文提出適當的策略教學建議。
This study primarily used questionnaires and Chinese character diaries to explore learning strategies of Czech university students. First, quantitative research methods are applied to explore the frequency of usage and subjective effectiveness of Chinese character learning strategies; second, qualitative research methods are used to define specific memory tricks used to memorize individual characters; and third, relationship between multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983, 1999) and learning strategies are explored. As for the frequency of usage, mechanical copying, stories and associative strategies based on character structure are most frequently used memorizing strategies. Among revision strategies, self-testing and hand made flashcards are most powerful. This study found that frequenly encountered, pleasing and difficult characters are easiest to recall. All strategies show correlation between subjective effectiveness and frequency of usage. As for mnemonics, ten strategies are reviewed, which are used either separately or in combinations. Stories, radials and images are employed by students most frequently. Analysis shows tendencies to chunking, semanticizaiton and information linking. Statistical analysis of the interaction between the multiple intelligence profiles and learning strategies does not prove that MI is useful in predicting the most effective applied strategies for Czech students to learn Chinese characters. Based on all observations, pedagogical suggestions are derived for students, teachers as well as the observed Chinese language course.
This study primarily used questionnaires and Chinese character diaries to explore learning strategies of Czech university students. First, quantitative research methods are applied to explore the frequency of usage and subjective effectiveness of Chinese character learning strategies; second, qualitative research methods are used to define specific memory tricks used to memorize individual characters; and third, relationship between multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983, 1999) and learning strategies are explored. As for the frequency of usage, mechanical copying, stories and associative strategies based on character structure are most frequently used memorizing strategies. Among revision strategies, self-testing and hand made flashcards are most powerful. This study found that frequenly encountered, pleasing and difficult characters are easiest to recall. All strategies show correlation between subjective effectiveness and frequency of usage. As for mnemonics, ten strategies are reviewed, which are used either separately or in combinations. Stories, radials and images are employed by students most frequently. Analysis shows tendencies to chunking, semanticizaiton and information linking. Statistical analysis of the interaction between the multiple intelligence profiles and learning strategies does not prove that MI is useful in predicting the most effective applied strategies for Czech students to learn Chinese characters. Based on all observations, pedagogical suggestions are derived for students, teachers as well as the observed Chinese language course.
學習策略, 漢字學習, 華語教學, 初級學習者, Learning strategies, Learning Chinese characters, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Beginners