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本文旨在探討時間觀、趨避承諾與愛情關係品質之關聯。共722位18-34歲之未婚伴侶參與研究。以時間觀量表、趨避承諾量表及愛情關係品質量表為測驗工具,調查參與者之時間觀、趨避承諾與愛情關係品質。透過SPSS 23與Lisrel 8.52統計軟體執行t考驗、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、因果路徑分析及中介效果分析以考驗研究假設。 主要研究結果顯示:趨避承諾與所有關係品質指標均呈顯著相關;時間觀與部分關係品質指標出現顯著相關;趨避承諾與時間觀亦有顯著相關性。再者,趨避承諾、過去負向、當下宿命、未來正向與未來負向時間觀能預測整體關係品質;過去正向、未來正向、過去負向與當下宿命時間觀預測趨向式承諾;過去正向、過去負向、當下宿命及未來負向時間觀預測迴避式承諾。趨避承諾對時間觀與整體關係品質之相關性具顯著中介效果。 末尾指出本研究之限制與貢獻,並提供未來研究與實務工作者建議。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships among time perspective, approach versus avoidance commitment and love relationship quality. The participants are 722 unmarried couples, aged 18-34. We used Time Perspective Inventory, Approach Versus Avoidance Commitment Test and Love Relationship Quality Form to test their time perspective, approach versus avoidance commitment and relationship quality. Data obtained in this study were tested by t test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, causal path analysis and mediating effect analysis with the Statistical Analysis System including SPSS 23 and Lisrel 8.52. The main findings showed that there are significant relationship between general relationship quality and approach versus avoidance commitment, time perspective and part of the relationship quality. And also, approach versus avoidance commitment and time perspective are significant correlated. Other than that, approach versus avoidance commitment, Past Negative, Present Fatalistic, Future Positve and Future Negative time perspective predicted general relationship quality, Past Positive, Future Positive, Past Negative and Present Fatalistic time perspective predicted approach commitment. Past Positive, Past Negative, Present Fatalistic and Future Negative time perspective predicted avoidance commitment as well. Furthermore, approach versus avoidance commitment could be a mediator between time perspective and relationship quality. Finally, the limitations and contributions of the research were pointed out, and some suggestions for future applications in counseling and research directions were also presented.



時間觀, 愛情關係品質, 趨避承諾, 未婚伴侶, Time Perspective, Love Relationship Quality, Approach versus Avoidance Commitment, Unmarried Couples





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