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諮商關係中難免會出現案主對於諮商員感到不滿意或不愉快的時刻,而在發生這樣的情形時,臺灣案主可能會使用能夠避免人際衝突、維持關係和諧的忍來因應晤談中的負面感受。本研究旨在瞭解臺灣案主在諮商關係中採取忍的背景脈絡與考量、所使用的忍的方式,以及案主後續與諮商員的互動情形如何影響諮商。本研究以半結構式訪談法蒐集8位參與者在11段諮商關係中的經驗,並以紮根理論分析資料。主要研究結果如下: 一、引發案主忍的情境有「諮商員『不像諮商員』」、「案主與諮商員看法不同」、「諮商員的介入不符合案主的需求或狀態」、「案主不瞭解諮商員」。 二、案主採取忍的原因有「信任諮商員」、「維持良好關係」、「因應諮商關係的位階差異」、「其他關係因素」、「諮商關係外的因素」。 三、案主在忍住負面情緒的同時,與諮商員的互動方式可分為「非溝通性」與「溝通性」。 四、案主可能表達感受的條件有「信任諮商員」、「忍不住」、「關係即將結束」、「討論相同主題」。 五、在案主沒有表達時,他們不一定會感受到諮商員有針對自己的負面感受進行介入。而在案主有表達時,諮商員皆有回應。 六、在「案主沒有表達,也沒有感受到諮商員的介入」、「案主沒有表達,但有感受到諮商員的介入」、「案主有表達」三種案主知覺的與諮商員互動情形中,所產生的結果皆有可能為正向或負向。 七、案主期望諮商員能夠提供的幫助包括「諮商員主動察覺案主的感受並進行介入」、「諮商員表現情緒」、「諮商員澄清案主的需求和想法」、「諮商員調整介入方式」。 根據以上研究結果,本研究提出四項主要結論: 一、引發案主採取忍的情境同常源自於案主與諮商員在晤談內容、諮商歷程和情感狀態三個層面的差異。 二、在案主忍的原因當中,有較聚焦於個人目標達成的部分,也有較傾向維持關係的部分。此外,案主在諮商關係中,會因為考量的不同,而運用多元的忍的策略。 三、案主如果持續使用自我壓抑的忍,會造成案主自我、諮商關係、諮商成效三方面的不利影響。而案主如果表達負面感受,則較容易形成諮商員消除引發忍的差異,但也較有可能產生雙方的衝突。 四、如果案主信任諮商員,則較容易在諮商關係中自主的調控忍或不忍,也因此較可能從差異經驗中獲得助益。 最後,研究者整理上述的結果與討論,歸納出助人工作者處理相關晤談情形的參考原則,並討論本研究的限制與未來可能的研究方向。
It is almost unavoidable that clients will be dissatisfied or displeased with the counselor at some point in counseling. When it happens, Taiwanese clients are likely to use Ren (forbearance) to cope with the negative feelings, and to keep the counseling relationship harmonious and conflict-free. The current study sought to explore the context and the reasons behind Taiwanese clients’ use of Ren, the practices of Ren they used, and how their interaction with the counselor in the process of Ren would affect the counseling. 8 participants were interviewed about their experience of Ren in counseling. Data analysis was conducted using Grounded Theory methods. The findings were as follows: 1. The context triggering the clients’ Ren were “The counselor was ‘not like a counselor,’ ” “The client’s perspective was different from the counselor,’” “The counselor’s approach did not suit the client’s need or state,” and “The client did not understand the counselor.” 2. The reasons for the clients to use Ren were “Trusting the counselor,” “Maintaining a harmonious relationship,” “Acting according to the perceived power differential in the therapeutic relationship,” “Other relational factors,” and “Non-relational factors.” 3. When using Ren, the clients’ means of interacting with the counselor could be either “Non-communicational” or “Communicational.” 4. When the clients “Trusted the counselor,” “Could no longer bear it,” “Knew that the relationship was about to end,” and “Were discussing a similar topic with the counselor” they were likely to reveal the previously-withheld negative feelings. 5. When the clients used Ren to withhold their negative feelings, they reported that the counselor would not always respond to them. However, when the clients did reveal their negative feelings in the therapeutic relationship, the counselor would invariably respond. Regardless of the pattern of the interaction in the dyad, the clients could perceive the outcome as either positive or negative. 6. The clients reported that the counselor could “Spontanesously identify the client’s feelings and deal with it,” “Display genuine affect state,” “Clarify the client’s needs and thoughts,” “Adjusts intervention” to help them with their Ren. Based on the results, four main conculsion are drawn: 1. Taiwanese clients’ use of Ren is mainly triggered by their perceived difference with the counselor in the content discussed, the counseling process, and theaffect state. 2. Taiwanese clients’ use of Ren may be due to that they seek to accomplish their counseling goal. Preserving the therapeutic relationship is another important reason. Different reasons may lead the clients to adopt different practices of Ren. 3. If the clients persistently use Ren solely as self-inhibition, there are likely to be negative effects on their self, the therapeutic relationship, and the outcome of the counseling. However, if the clients reveal their negative feelings, they are more likely to perceive that the counselor responds by eliminating the difference triggering their use of Ren. However, their revelation may also result in conflict with the counselor. 4. When Taiwanese clients trust their counselor, they may be capable to choose more freely whether to use Ren or not in the therapeutic relationship, and thus are more likely to benefit from their difference with the counselor. Finally, suggestions were made for helping professionals working with Taiwanese clients, counselor educators in Taiwan, and future research.



, 負面諮商感受, Ren (forbearance), Negative experience in counseling

