

本研究以自編的「私立幼稚園永續經營量表」為研究工具,對台北縣市內立案私立幼稚園116 位園長及217位教師 進行調查,探討:一、私立幼稚園的組織因素及園內人員的個人因素與幼稚園永續經營狀態間之關係;二、私立幼稚園的組織變項及園內人員的個人變項與幼稚園永續經營特質間之關係;三、私立幼稚園具備永續經營特質的程度與幼稚園永續經營狀態間之關係;四、幼稚園職位及幼稚園永續經營狀態與幼稚園永續經營特質間之關係。 本研究的重要發現如下: 一、在私立幼稚園永續經營特質的構念方面 本研究以探索性因素分析,從園長版及教師版「私立幼稚園永續經營量表」都抽取出「不斷的追求進步」與「強固的願景領導」兩個因素,但兩個版本的「不斷的追求進步」因素所涵蓋的問項差異頗大。原先認為屬於學校辦學成功及企業永續經營的關鍵之ㄧ的「組織文化」向度,未成為私立幼稚園永續經營特質。 二、在幼稚園組織變項及個人變項與永續經營狀態及永續經營特質間的關係方面 本研究結果顯示,私立幼稚園的規模、園長/教師年資、園長/教師年齡與永續經營狀態及永續經營特質無關。 三、在永續經營狀態與永續經營特質間的關係方面 本研究分別從園長及教師兩個角度來探討永續狀態幼稚園與非永續狀態幼稚園具備永續經營特質的情形,發現:(一)不論是否永續,幼稚園園長都認為自己的幼稚園頗具有「不斷的追求進步」與「強固的願景領導」兩個永續經營特質;(二)永續狀態幼稚園的教師比非永續狀態幼稚園的教師認為自己任職的幼稚園更具有「不斷的追求進步」與「強固的願景領導」兩個永續經營特質。 四、在幼稚園職位及永續經營特質間的關係方面 本研究顯示同一所幼稚園內,園長與教師對於任職幼稚園「不斷的追求進步」特質看法不同,園長的看法顯著高於教師;在「強固的願景領導」特質方面,園長與教師的看法整體上雖然沒有太大差別,但是交互作用分析顯示在永續狀態幼稚園內,教師與園長的知覺無差異,但在非永續狀態幼稚園內,教師的知覺低於園長。 本研究根據研究結果提出對教育行政機關、幼稚園以及未來研究的建議。 關鍵詞:私立幼稚園、永續經營、永續、幼兒教育
This study used a self-developed “Scale of Sustainable Management of Private Kindergartens” to collect the opinions of 116 principals and 217 teachers in licensed private kindergartens in Taipei County and City. Issues including (1) the relationships between organizational factors, staffs’ personal factors, and the status of sustainable management of the kindergarten, (2) the relationships between organizational variables, staffs’ personal variables, and the characteristics of sustainable management, (3) the relationships between the extent of the characteristics that the kindergarten has acquired and its status of sustainable management, and (4) the relationships between staff position, status of sustainable management, and the characteristics of sustainable management, were explored. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The constructs of the characteristics of sustainable management of private kindergartens: Through exploratory factor analysis, “continuous pursuit of improvement” and “rigid visionary leadership” were two factors extracted from both the scale for principals and the scale of teachers. However, the questions under the factor of “continuous pursuit of improvement” between the two scales were significantly different. “Organizational culture”, previously considered as one of the key dimensions in successful school management and sustainable corporate management was not a characteristic of sustainable management of private kindergartens. 2. The relationships among organizational variables, personal variables, status and characteristics of sustainable management: The research results revealed that no significant relationship exists between kindergarten scale, duration of experience of principal/teacher, age of principal/teacher, and the status and characteristics of sustainable management. 3. The relationships between the status and the characteristics of sustainable management: This study examined the characteristics of sustainable management that kindergartens in the status of sustainable management and not in the status of sustainable management have acquired. It was discovered that (1) No matter the status of sustainable management, the principals all conceived that they have acquired the characteristics of “continuous pursuit of improvement” and “rigid visionary leadership”; (2) Teachers of the kindergartens in the status of sustainable management tended to more agree that their kindergartens have acquired both characteristics of sustainable management than those of the kindergartens not in the status of sustainable management. 4. The relationships between staff position and characteristics of sustainable management: The results also indicated that the principal and teachers of the same kindergarten have different opinions about the characteristic of “continuous pursuit of improvement”, and the principal may show a significantly higher level of agreement. In the aspect of “rigid visionary leadership”, no significant difference was found between the opinions of the principal and teachers. However, the analysis of interactive effects showed that in the kindergartens in the status of sustainable management, teachers and the principal have no different perceptions, but in those not in the sustainable management, teachers have less perceptions than the principal. Based on the above research results, suggestions were proposed for the authority concerned, kindergartens, and future studies. Keywords: private kindergartens, sustainable management, sustainability, early childhood education



私立幼稚園, 永續經營, 永續, 幼兒教育, private kindergartens, sustainable management, sustainability, early childhood education





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