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本研究旨在運用Ajzen(1985)的計畫行為理論架構,來預測及解釋某縣私立幼托機構負責人、管理人、老師及教保人員執行腸病毒通報行為意向及其相關因素。本研究採立意抽樣私立幼托機構人員847人,有效樣本共501份。本研究使用兩種研究工具,一採用開放式引導問卷,再依據開放式引導問卷填答結果編制成結構式問卷。收集的資料以皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析及複迴歸、MANOVA(Hotelling’s T2)等統計方法進行分析。本研究結果如下:
Abstract The purposes of this study were predict and explain the child care workers and educational staff’s intention of enterovirus notification at private preschool. The Theory of Planned Behavior provided the framework for the study (Ajzen, 1985). The 501 employees were purposed samples from Taipei and Miaoli County on March of 2009. Two research tools were applied the open-ended elicitation and the structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression and MANOVA(Hotelling’s T2). There are five major findings as the following: 1. Around 86.2% of respondents showed the positive behavioral intention to enterovirus notification. 2. The attitude and subjective norm explained 25.3% of variance of intention for enterovirus notification; the perceived behavior control added 9.2% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 34.5%. 3. The attitude of respondents was moderately positive related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes. The subiective norm of respondent was highly positive related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply. The perceived behavior control of respondent was somewhat-low related to the control beliefs multiplied by power. 4. The behavior beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, motivation to comply and power of respondent were positive related to behavioral intention. 5.The result of the study may offer relevant units references to enterovirus infection prevention and to form the policy. Key words:private preschool, enterovirus notification, Theory of planned behavior.
Abstract The purposes of this study were predict and explain the child care workers and educational staff’s intention of enterovirus notification at private preschool. The Theory of Planned Behavior provided the framework for the study (Ajzen, 1985). The 501 employees were purposed samples from Taipei and Miaoli County on March of 2009. Two research tools were applied the open-ended elicitation and the structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, multiple regression and MANOVA(Hotelling’s T2). There are five major findings as the following: 1. Around 86.2% of respondents showed the positive behavioral intention to enterovirus notification. 2. The attitude and subjective norm explained 25.3% of variance of intention for enterovirus notification; the perceived behavior control added 9.2% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these three variables accounted for 34.5%. 3. The attitude of respondents was moderately positive related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes. The subiective norm of respondent was highly positive related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply. The perceived behavior control of respondent was somewhat-low related to the control beliefs multiplied by power. 4. The behavior beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, motivation to comply and power of respondent were positive related to behavioral intention. 5.The result of the study may offer relevant units references to enterovirus infection prevention and to form the policy. Key words:private preschool, enterovirus notification, Theory of planned behavior.
私立幼稚園及托兒所, 腸病毒通報, 計畫行為理論, private preschool, enterovirus notification, Theory of planned behavior