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隨著數位科技的日益發展,線上直播演唱會是一種新興的音樂創新服務發展,數位匯流之範疇逐漸擴大,使線上直播演唱會成為發展趨向之一,值得深入探究之。 因線上直播演唱會服務在國內是屬於初期發展的萌芽階段,因此本研究使用質性研究的深度訪談法進行,探討線上直播演唱會服務現況發展、針對YouTube暨本研究個案之線上直播演唱會服務應用特性分析及探討線上直播演唱會服務現況的改善精進與未來的改善創新。 本研究提出結論:首先,科技創新讓音樂產業朝多元化,使得線上直播演唱會具有發展的機會。其次,線上直播演唱會提供較契合產業需求的社群媒體互動及客製化機制,以利產業正向發展。最後,未來線上直播演唱會可運用互動性、新技術運用、大數據分析、社群媒體與會員資料整合,創新發展。
As the evolution of the industrial environment in science and technology innovation, Online Live Concert becomes one of the new developments in the music industry. Meanwhile, the dimension of application for Digital Convergence expands to drive the development of Online Live Converts. It is commendable to conduct this research more in-depth. The service of Online Live Concert in Taiwan is still at early stage of initial expansion, so the research is conducted by the method of Depth interviews to discuss the current development of online live concert, including the features and applicable analysis of the online live concerts on the YouTube channels. The enhancement of current service and creative innovation for online live concert will also be taken into account in the research. Conclusion: first of all, technology innovation not only conduces to the development of Online Live Concert, but also the diversification of the music industry. On the other hand, Online Live Concert provides social media interaction and customization mechanisms that are more compatible with industrial demand and positive development. Finally, in the future, Online Live Concert with its interactivity and the use of new technologies, big data analytics and social media, will be integrated with membership information and continuing its innovative development.



數位匯流, 線上直播, 線上直播演唱會, Digital Convergence, Onlive, Onlive concert





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