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ABSTRACT This research aims at exploring Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminating its implications on moral education in our country. In order to achieve the above research purpose, this research make use of the research methods, including content analysis, historical hermeneutics, and critical hermeneutics. Furthermore, before embarking upon Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, the researcher will, first of all, attempt to illustrate Paulo Freire’s lifetime. In addition, the researcher will focus on the exploration, which is mainly concerned with the social and philosophical background of thought of conscientizao. In the end, the researcher will illuminate Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and inquire its implications on the praxis of humanizing moral education. More precisely speaking, in other words, this research aims to emphasize and develop the importance of humanizing moral education, which is based on Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao. Hence, this research intends to explore Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminate its implications on moral education. The educational implications are made as follows:1. the liberating teachers should do their best to abolish the fear of freedom of students;2. teachers and students should engage in getting rid of various myths which the ruling class produces;3. teachers and students should try to develop the humanizing moral education. Besides, teachers should develop the humanizing moral education which involves the praxis of problem-posing education and dialogical education. Based on the above implications on moral education which results from Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, teachers and students, in the praxis of humanizing moral education, are able to raise their consciousness to critical consciousness, and liberate themselves from the oppressive reality that crushes them. Namely. they can conscientize themselves. Above all, through the liberating praxis of moral education, teachers and students can become a more fully human.
ABSTRACT This research aims at exploring Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminating its implications on moral education in our country. In order to achieve the above research purpose, this research make use of the research methods, including content analysis, historical hermeneutics, and critical hermeneutics. Furthermore, before embarking upon Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, the researcher will, first of all, attempt to illustrate Paulo Freire’s lifetime. In addition, the researcher will focus on the exploration, which is mainly concerned with the social and philosophical background of thought of conscientizao. In the end, the researcher will illuminate Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and inquire its implications on the praxis of humanizing moral education. More precisely speaking, in other words, this research aims to emphasize and develop the importance of humanizing moral education, which is based on Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao. Hence, this research intends to explore Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, and illuminate its implications on moral education. The educational implications are made as follows:1. the liberating teachers should do their best to abolish the fear of freedom of students;2. teachers and students should engage in getting rid of various myths which the ruling class produces;3. teachers and students should try to develop the humanizing moral education. Besides, teachers should develop the humanizing moral education which involves the praxis of problem-posing education and dialogical education. Based on the above implications on moral education which results from Paulo Freire’s theory of conscientizao, teachers and students, in the praxis of humanizing moral education, are able to raise their consciousness to critical consciousness, and liberate themselves from the oppressive reality that crushes them. Namely. they can conscientize themselves. Above all, through the liberating praxis of moral education, teachers and students can become a more fully human.
弗雷勒, 意識覺醒, 批判意識, 道德教育, P. Freire, Conscientizao, Critical Consciousness, Moral Education