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本研究主要探討十二週連續性及間歇性有氧運動對健康體適能及運動態度之影響。研究以桃園高中高三女生為對象,依班級分為三組,包括連續組、間歇組和控制組,每組皆有45位受試者。連續組與間歇組同學參與每週三次,每次三十分鐘的有氧運動,其中有二十分鐘運動強度達最大心跳率 60-75%,另十分鐘為熱身與緩和伸展運動,間歇組中間休息5分鐘;控制組參與每週三次之體育課程。所有受試者均於訓練前後接受健康體適能測量,連續組和間歇組同學於訓練後接受運動態度問卷調查。所得資料以相依樣本t考驗、共變數分析和卡方分析比較其差異。結果發現如下:
三、連續組與間歇組的運動態度大部份皆沒有太大差異,但連續組在從事有氧運動”很享受”和間歇組在運動後有"提昇運動能力” 這兩項兩組有顯著差異。
The purposes of this research were to compare the differences of 12 weeks continuous and discontinuous aerobic training on physical fitness and sports attitude of female senior high school students. The 135 students were recruited and equally divided into three research groups by class. The continuous group and discontinuous group subjects had received aerobic training 3 times a week, 30 minutes ( containing 10 minutes warming up and cooling down, and 20 minutes aerobic exercise) each time with 60-75% Maximal Heart Rate. The discontinuous group had 5 minutes rest in each exercise session. The control group received 3 times of PE class a week. All of subjects received physical fitness battery test before and after training; additionally, the continuous and discontinuous training subjects conducted the questionnaire of sports attitude after training. The collected data were analyzed with t-test, ANCOVA and X2 and the results were as follows: 1, Within groups. The hip/waist ratio (H/W), cardiovascular fitness (CVF), muscular fitness (MF) and flexibility of continuous group improved significantly (P< .05) after training. The H/W, CVF and flexibility of discontinuous group improved significantly after training (P< .05). The H/P of control group improved significantly; however, the MF and CVF declined significantly (P<.05). 2, Between groups. The body mass Index and H/W were not different among 3 groups. The CVF and long jump of continuous and discontinuous groups were significantly better than that of control group. The sit-up of continuous group was significantly better than that of discontinuous and control group. The sit and reach of discontinuous group was significantly better than that of control group (P<.05) 3, The most sport attitude between continuous and discontinuous groups were not different after training. However, the continuous exercise group expressed more enjoyable during exercise and the discontinuous group indicated the greater improvement about physical fitness. The 12 weeks of aerobic training improved most items of physical fitness, either continuous or discontinuous training. The most of sport attitude was not different between continuous and discontinuous training group.
The purposes of this research were to compare the differences of 12 weeks continuous and discontinuous aerobic training on physical fitness and sports attitude of female senior high school students. The 135 students were recruited and equally divided into three research groups by class. The continuous group and discontinuous group subjects had received aerobic training 3 times a week, 30 minutes ( containing 10 minutes warming up and cooling down, and 20 minutes aerobic exercise) each time with 60-75% Maximal Heart Rate. The discontinuous group had 5 minutes rest in each exercise session. The control group received 3 times of PE class a week. All of subjects received physical fitness battery test before and after training; additionally, the continuous and discontinuous training subjects conducted the questionnaire of sports attitude after training. The collected data were analyzed with t-test, ANCOVA and X2 and the results were as follows: 1, Within groups. The hip/waist ratio (H/W), cardiovascular fitness (CVF), muscular fitness (MF) and flexibility of continuous group improved significantly (P< .05) after training. The H/W, CVF and flexibility of discontinuous group improved significantly after training (P< .05). The H/P of control group improved significantly; however, the MF and CVF declined significantly (P<.05). 2, Between groups. The body mass Index and H/W were not different among 3 groups. The CVF and long jump of continuous and discontinuous groups were significantly better than that of control group. The sit-up of continuous group was significantly better than that of discontinuous and control group. The sit and reach of discontinuous group was significantly better than that of control group (P<.05) 3, The most sport attitude between continuous and discontinuous groups were not different after training. However, the continuous exercise group expressed more enjoyable during exercise and the discontinuous group indicated the greater improvement about physical fitness. The 12 weeks of aerobic training improved most items of physical fitness, either continuous or discontinuous training. The most of sport attitude was not different between continuous and discontinuous training group.
有氧運動, 連續運動, 間歇運動, 健康體適能, 運動態度, aerobic training, continuous and discontinuous training, physical fitness, sport attitude