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本研究目的旨在探討國小五年級學童,如何於建構取向籃球遊戲中進行學習的歷程與結果。為此,研究者以學童在籃球遊戲表現、意見討論和籃球遊戲情境模擬影帶的詮釋做為研究切入的角度。研究採立意取樣方式,以台北市幸安國小五年級學童為對象,由實驗教師選擇二個班級,並分為實驗班(女17、男15,共32位)與參照班(女16、男16,共32位)。教學單元內容方面,實驗班實施建構取向的籃球遊戲單元,參照班以技術取向的籃球遊戲單元。研究設計與方法上,包括籃球遊戲表現(小場地的4對4籃球遊戲)、籃球遊戲情境模擬影帶的實驗前、後測驗。此外,在教學實驗過程中,以參與觀察和訪談法,針對實驗班學童的籃球遊戲和意見討論過程,透過影帶記錄。再者,依據前、後測與教學實驗過程中所蒐集的資料,以系統觀察、言談分析等方法,做資料分析。在統計方法的處理上,分別以獨立樣本和相依樣本t考驗,進行實驗班與對照班學童,在籃球遊戲能力前、後測驗的顯著性差異考驗,並以卡方之獨立樣本和相依樣本考驗,處理實驗班與對照班學童,在籃球遊戲境模擬影帶前、後測驗,其詮釋類型的顯著性差異考驗。本研究結論如下: 一、建構取向籃球遊戲學習為一個複合的系統與過程,學童所使用在技術、詮釋和做決定、語言與社會等面向的各種資源,皆體現在籃球遊戲學習中,並且彼此互有關連。 二、在學習過程中,小組籃球遊戲的攻、防實力關係轉變,對學童在籃球遊戲表現的進展有益。 三、「說」與「做」之間的辯證關係,在適當利用的情況下,對於籃球遊戲的學習應有所助益,並可視為是體育教學過程中融合的部分。 四、由動作經驗而來的解決問題活動,對於促使學童邁向一種反思性的姿態具有重要的影響,並有利於學童的創造性發展。
The purpose of this study was to explore how fifth grade students learning basketball game play within a constructivist approach. Three main aspects focused on (1) students game play performances, (2) discursive practices developed through debate of idea set-up (DIS), and (3) video-based game play interpretation test. Two classes of students were invited, that were selected by teacher, to participate in a 12 hours basketball learning program. The Experimental Group (class one, girls, n=17; boys, n=15) was taught with a constrctivist approach, while the Control Group (class two, girls, n=16; boys, n=16) was provided with a technique centered approach. The practice lessons were scrutinized by the researchers with a check list. In terms of method, a 4×4 small sided basketball game play and the video based basketball game play test were assessed by pre/post test. Moreover, game play observation and the DIS group interviews were video taped during the basketball learning cycle. Game play performance, DIS group interviews, and video based game play test data were coded from the videotapes and transcribed into transcripts. The game play performance transcript was analyzed by systematic observation while DIS and video-based test transcripts were conducted through discourse analysis. Independent and dependent t-tests were used to test statistical significant differences for two groups concerning the game play performance. Independent and dependent χ² tests were conducted in order to test the statistical significant differences between EG and CG relating to the video based game play interpretation categories. The findings of this study were as follows: 1.Basketball game play learning in a constructivist approach involves a complex system where several resources are useful: student technical, interpretative, decisional, linguistic and social interaction capabilities. 2.The evolution of the force ratio during the game play all along the learning cycle is beneficial to the team organization and tactical decision making. 3.The relationship between speech and act favors, under certain conditions, the basketball learning. It may be considered as a dialectical integrated part of the PE class learning. 4.The problem-solving activity extracted from the body movement experience can determine the student reflective attitude, and finally to the development of his/her creativity.



建構主義, 籃球學習, 意見論辯, 言談分析, 模擬影片, constructivism, basketball learning, debate of idea, discourse analysis, video-based game play test

