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本研究旨在開發科技發展史示例教材以及探討透過科技發展史課程對於中學學生創造力之學習發展情形,根據實驗教學來評估此科技發展史課程對國中學生創造力認知及情意發展之影響成效,並進一步探討學生對科技發展史課程的學習反應,以提供教師或學生在教育上應用之參考。 本研究主要採用文獻探討法與質性研究法,所使用的工具包含質與量的研究工具。研究對象則是採立意取樣,主要選擇台北市某國中二年級兩班,共七十四位學生,進行為期十週之「科技發展史課程」。除了於課程前後分別實施威廉斯創造力測驗外,研究者並同時在課程中進行教室觀察紀錄、錄影等工作,待課程結束,即選取威廉斯創造力測驗前後測分數差異百分等級達九十以上之學生進行訪談並分析其學習單、上課情況,以確實瞭解科技發展史對各創造力項度之影響。 經過資料蒐集、整理與分析後,研究結果發現: 一、運用創造性問題解決模式(CPS)所發展出的科技發展史課程、 教材、媒體與學習單,確實對學生創造力認知及情意發展有正面的影響。 二、於創造力認知發展方面,A班學生除了變通力外,於流暢力、開放性、獨創力、精密力及標題皆有顯著提升;B班則是除了變通力以及精密力外,其餘皆有顯著成長。 三、於創造力情意發展方面,A班學生僅想像力一項達顯著差異,冒險性、好奇性及挑戰力皆無顯著提升;而B班則除了好奇性外,皆有達到顯著差異。 四、學生對於科技發展史課程皆呈現正面的反應,亦表示本課程很好玩,也充滿了趣味性,並紛紛表示如果有機會,還願意接受相類似的課程。
The main purpose of this study was to develop the “history of technology development” curriculum, and to discuss the “history of technology development” curriculum’s influences that regarding the middle school students’ creativity and learning reactions. The subjects of this study are two classes of seventy-four students 8th graders in a junior high school in Taipei. By implementing Williams’ Creativity Assessment Packet test separately before and after course, the researcher also conducted classroom observation. Furthermore, eight students were interviewed, for analyzed their learning in class. After the data collection, the reorganization and the analysis, the findings discovered that: 1.The history of technology development curriculum, teaching material, media and learning portfolio which developed using Creative Problem Solution(CPS) approach has positive influence to the student creativity cognition and the cordiality development. 2.In cognition development of creativity, the class A students show improvement in the fluency, the openness, the originality, the elaboration and the title. The class B students improve in all the aspect of creating except flexibility and elaboration. 3.In cordiality development of creativity, the class A students show improvement in imagination. The class B students have achieved improvement besides curiosity. 4.The student all indicated a high value to the history of technology development curriculum. The students also like to accept similar curriculum in the future.



科技發展史, 創造力, 九年一貫課程, The history of technology development, Creativity, Nine-Year Joint Curriculum





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