以教與學觀點探討機構老人對3D VR虛實結合芳香療法學習評價

dc.contributorGuo, Jong-Longen_US
dc.contributorLee, Tzu-Chien_US
dc.contributor.authorLi, Wan-Pinen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在以教與學觀點探討老人與3D VR虛實結合芳香療法學習評價。本研究採多重個案研究設計,研究對象包含學習者(某一安養院、平均80歲以上、參加八堂3D VR芳療課程)24名、教學人員8人,文本資料是以半結構式訪談參與3D VR芳香療法課程之學習者與教學者,並從中找出主題(theme)與分類(category)。 本次研究結果以「從教學觀點探討老人3D VR芳療虛實課程的學習評價」為主軸,整理出三大主題:「老人操作3D VR設備」、「芳療實作中教與學的特性」、「VR芳療虛實課程的教與學回饋」,課程總結評價可看出學習者的滿意度和參與度,虛實結合芳療課程能讓教學者藉由預習、複習、新穎、虛擬的環境的過程讓學習者能學習更快,而學習者學習也會因為有趣動腦而增加上課動力,學習者在學習VR新科技,需教學者提供多元的輔助策略,針對學習者特性調整教學策略,虛實結合課程不只能強化學習者上課動機,也對學習者身心健康產生正向影響。 此研究以教學者和學習者的角度整理出關於未來設計3D VR虛實結合芳療課程的教學建議1.重視VR環境教學設計幫助學習者更順利,減輕教學者的負擔2.VR設備教學需要耐心教學,反覆操作。3.教學策略以(1).指導教學,明確給予學習方向與指令(2).需要友善耐心反覆教導,熟能生巧。(3.)誇獎教學適合學習者學習課程。相信對於未來以機構老人為對象之3D VR來輔助健康促進的研究會有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study adopted the perspectives of teaching and learning to explore the learning evaluation of older adults receiving a combination of three-dimensional virtual reality (3D VR) and hands-on Aromatherapy program. A multiple case study approach was employed in this study. Participants recruited for this study were 24 learners and 8 instructors. The learners were older adults (mean age: >80 years) living in a long-term care institution who participated in 8 sessions of the combination 3D VR and hands-on Aromatherapy program. Text data were collected using semi-structured interviews with these learners and instructors to identity themes and categories. According to the study results, three major themes were identified, namely “older adults’ operation of 3D VR equipment,” “learning and teaching interactions in Aromatherapy practice,” and “teaching and learning feedback of the combination of 3D VR and hands-on Aromatherapy program.” The overall evaluation of the program revealed the learners’ satisfaction and involvement, indicating that the program enables learners to improve their learning through preparation and review in a novel, virtual environment. The interesting content of the program also increases learners’ motivation to attend. When teaching new VR technology, instructors should employ diverse strategies to aid learners and adjust their teaching strategies according to learners’ attributes. Combining physical and virtual elements in a program not only enhance learners’ motivation to attend the program but also exert a positive effect on learners’ physical and psychological health. From the perspectives of instructors and learners, the following suggestions are proposed for the design of a combination of three-dimensional virtual 3D VR and hands-on Aromatherapy program. First, emphases should be placed on designing a VR environment that is conducive to learning. Second, instructors should be patient when teaching the use of VR equipment and allow leaners to repeatedly practice using such equipment. Regarding teaching strategies, instructors should (1) provide clear learning directions and instructions; (2) adopt a friendly and patient attitude and repeat the instruction when necessary to help learners become familiar with the learning content; and (3) compliment learners when appropriate. The results of this study can serve as a reference for subsequent research on 3D VR technology used to promote the health of institutionalized older adults.en_US
dc.subject3D VRzh_TW
dc.subject3D VRen_US
dc.subjectolder adultsen_US
dc.subjectteacher learneren_US
dc.subjectteaching strategyen_US
dc.title以教與學觀點探討機構老人對3D VR虛實結合芳香療法學習評價zh_TW
dc.titleThe Learning Process of 3D VR and Real Aromatherapy Program among Institutionalized Older Adults from the Perspective of Teaching and Learningen_US

