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隨著經濟、科技的迅速發展、社會型態改變、家庭型態多元,教養條件的差距及不足,讓青少年問題日益嚴重。校園輔導人力不足,近年,NPO公益組織訓練認輔志工從社區校園出發,陪伴需要高度關懷的學生,獲得社會高度肯定。 本研究目的為瞭解認輔志工投入偏差行為青少年輔導工作之相關因素與輔導深度之相關性。並根據研究目的提出研究問題,以探究認輔志工生命特殊事件、人格特質、信念及團隊運作所產生的影響因素和認輔深度之相關性,期望提供教育及相關單位未來任用輔導人員及推動認輔服務之參考。 本研究運用質性研究之「個案研究法」及「參與觀察法」對六位認輔志工展開半結構式訪談及觀察並提出詮釋與分析,進一步整理研究發現,提出具體建議。本研究主要發現為: 1. 特殊生命事件、人格特質、信念具高度相關:原生家庭的助人身教影響個人的助人行為、曾經受助經驗啟發回饋的心念、「人是可以改變」的信念是持續認輔的動能、教育程度與持續學習影響認輔的深度、「人性本善」的信念加深助人的興趣與熱誠。 2. 團隊資源投入的絕對影響:半專業的輔導需要更多堅持與真誠、專業課程及輔助訓練是認輔深化的最佳助力、分層負責的團隊文化是穩定發展的關鍵、適當隱密的認輔場域可提昇持續認輔的成效。 3. 以冰山理論探討輔導深度的意義:偏差行為是物極必反的現象、以課業為重的教育忽略心靈層面的成長需求、分析父母原生家庭不良互動以減少孩子內心的怨懟、務實智慧的對話空間能讓師生關係融冰。 依據研究發現提出之具體建議主要為: 社區認輔需持續追蹤才能深化、提昇輔導地位以有效統合資源、認輔時間及場地適度安排可提升認輔的熱誠、國中認輔需求迫切有待公益組織之投入、成立社區關懷據點持續追蹤輔導、加強個案督導強化專業品質、謹守分際以永續經營。
Along with the rapid economic and technological development in Taiwan, there arises social and familial structural change, great gap and inadequacy in education, all of which have complicated the juvenile problems. Due to the shortage of counseling resources in junior high schools, more non-profit organizations provide training programs for volunteering counselors in order to strengthening the counseling service. Such efforts have been well recognized in the society. This study intends to highlight the relationship between the depth of volunteering counselors’ guidance and the factors contributing to their persistent commitment to misbehaving juveniles’ guidance. Research questions of the study are designed to inquire this relationship with focus on critical life experiences, personal traits, beliefs and team ship. It is expected that findings of this study would provide educators and administrators for recruiting school counselors and strengthening counseling service. This study takes a qualitative approach to inquiring the volunteering counselor’s guiding of the misbehaving juveniles. Case study and participatory observation, as well as in-depth interviews, are the main strategies for further case analysis and data interpretation. Findings of this research include: 1. Critical life experiences, personality traits and beliefs of the volunteering counselors are highly correlated with their guiding practice. Family of origin plays a critical role in their counseling service. Those who ever received help, believe in human’s change capacity or are well-educated with persistent learning are more motivated to provide counseling service and tend to provide more in-depth counseling. 2. Team support with ample resource is pivotal to the enhancement of the volunteering counselors’ devoted attitudes. Professional training facilitates their guiding depth; distributed responsibility is important to team ship development; counseling sites with privacy enhances counseling effect. 3. Applying iceberg theory to inquire volunteering counselor’s guiding depth would shed great light on their capacity of finding the roots of juvenile delinquency and help resolving the unharmonious interrelationships inhibiting the juvenile’s growth. Based on these findings, the researcher proposes the following suggestions: 1. To deepen on-campus volunteering counseling, it is essential to keep long-term tracking. 2. Significance of the role of counseling should be upgraded for resource integration. 3. Time allocation and privacy design are indispensible for encouraging volunteering Counselors’ enthusiasm. 4. More important, volunteering counseling at the junior high level is in great demand of more non-profit organizations’ commitment, more community-based tracking support, quality enhancement of case supervision and sustainable development with balancing right and responsibility.



認輔志工, 人格特質, 信念, 偏差行為青少年, 團隊學習, Volunteering Counselor, Personal Traits, Beliefs, Misbehaving, Team Learning





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