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本研究旨在探討未婚成年女性面對男友發展多重親密關係時的情感抉擇,包括其思考的面向以及個人對此衝擊的因應與調適,透過半結構深度訪談及主題分析法對主體經驗進行意義本質的探討,並以共同主題方式呈現未婚成年女性的情感抉擇經驗。 本研究以滾雪球方式找尋25 歲以上、曾經歷男友發展多重親密關係、極為看重這段戀情且已做出情感抉擇的未婚成年女性。研究者共邀請到五位研究參與者,她們的年齡介於27 歲至33 歲之間,與男友的戀情維持至少三年以上,其中三位已論及婚嫁,這三位中的一位曾與男友結婚不到一年離婚;五位研究參與者接受訪談時都已經與男友分手。目前,其中一位已婚,一位單身,其餘三位另有男友。 本研究共參考十份文本資料,經過主題分析的詮釋循環後,以下列三個主題呈現未婚成年女性面對男友發展多重親密關係的情感抉擇經驗:(1)分分合合情未了,一心通往婚姻路;(2)愛人不忠傷我心,理情並用求平衡;(3)看清所託非良人,痛下決心斬情絲。 本研究結果所分析出來的主題,可提供一般女性及相關輔導機構參考,最後亦對未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this research is to explore the unmarried adult female’s decision-making in affection while encountering their boyfriend’s simultaneously developing multiple relationships with more than one woman, including the female’s thinking and coping and adjusting to such impact. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews and thematic analysis, this research probes the fundamental meaning of the experience and presents the affection of decision-making experiences of unmarried adult females via common themes. In this study, the researcher used a “snowball” method to find unmarried adult females who were over 25 years old at the time of interview, experienced their boyfriend’s developing multiple relationships, appreciated the experience very much and made the affection decision. Totally, the researcher invited five participants whose ages range from 27 to 33 years old; they had maintained the romantic relationshipwith their boyfriend at least three years. Among them, three had been engaged and one of the three had been married to her boyfriend but divorced within a year. When the five participants were interviewed, they all had broken up with their boyfriend; one was married, one was single, and the other three had new relationships. The researcher has annotated and circulated ten text documents thematically and analytically and resulted in three essential themes from the unmarried adult females’ experiences: 1. The adult females had separated and reconciled with their boyfriend repetitively but were still eager to get married; 2. The adult females had been hurt by their lover’s infidelity and had sought for balance with both cognition and emotion; and 3. The adult females had realized that their lover wasn’t Mr. Right and thus determined to separate. In addition, the common themes analyzed from the consequences of the research can be used as references for females and for the institutes related. Finally, this research has also proposed suggestions for future study.



情感抉擇, 多重親密關係, 主題分析, affectional decision, extradyadic relationships, thematic analysis





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