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本研究旨在探討理解式球類訓練法應用於國中壘球隊訓練後,球員在技能與比賽表現學習的訓練成效,同時探討教練及球員對理解式球類訓練法的感受、看法與省思,並深入瞭解教練在理解式球類訓練歷程中所遭遇的問題及解決方法。研究方法採行動研究的方式進行,研究參與者為桃園縣某國中體育班壘球隊球員七年級6 位、八年級3 位,九年級5位,共15 位及教練1 位,設計20 節的理解式壘球訓練,並配合壘球主、客觀技能測驗與比賽表現評量進行訓練前、後測驗。在量化資料部份,分別以成對樣本t 考驗對球員前、後測驗成績進行統計分析;在質性資料部份,蒐集教練訓練日誌、球員訓練心得及球員訪談所得的資料,以持續比較法進行內容分析。結果:一、球員在壘球主、客觀技能前後測,分別在戰術執行能力(t=.82, p<.05)及擊遠(t=4.03, p<.05)項目有達顯著差異;二、球員壘球比賽表現GPAI 前後測在位置調整(t=3.69, p<.05)及技能執行(t=3.08, p<.05)項目有達顯著差異;三、球員皆肯定理解式壘球訓練的訓練活動設計,並表示能增進比賽技能與享受訓練
The purpose of this study was to examine the training effects of Game Sense on softball skill and game performance, to understand the players’ and coach’s feelings and perspectives on Game Sense, and to solve the problem encountered by the coach during the training process. Action research approach was used in this study. The participants were 14 Taoyuan junior high school softball players (six 7th graders, three 8th graders, and five 9th graders) and a coach. Twenty sessions of softball training were conducted and pretest and posttest were conducted using subjective and objective skill test and GPAI. These quantitative data were analyzed by paired t test. while qualitative data were collected through coach’s diary, training reflections and interviews of players and analyzed by constant comparison method. The results were (1) For subjective and objective skill pretest-posttest, there were significant differences in tactical execution capabilities (t =.82, p<.05) and hit away (t =4.03, p <.05). (2) For GPAI, there were significant differences in adjustment (t =3.69, p <.05) and skill execution (t =4.03, p <.05). (3) The players were positive about the training activity design and indicated that Game Sense approach could strengthen their competition skills enabled them to enjoy the pleasure of training. (4) The coach pointed out that Game Sense could change players’ negative learning attitude as well as enhance their skills and games performance. (5) The coach was aware about the problem of the competition scoring, training time, group discussion and level of intervention during training, and able to come out with effective strategies. In conclusion, this study showed that the coach and players showed their affirmation and support attitude to Game Sense in softball training, this promoted the training effects of softball players. Through Game Sense, the coach was able to solve the problems encountered and provide different ways of training models to the players. The findings of this study have implications for softball training program design and further related research.
The purpose of this study was to examine the training effects of Game Sense on softball skill and game performance, to understand the players’ and coach’s feelings and perspectives on Game Sense, and to solve the problem encountered by the coach during the training process. Action research approach was used in this study. The participants were 14 Taoyuan junior high school softball players (six 7th graders, three 8th graders, and five 9th graders) and a coach. Twenty sessions of softball training were conducted and pretest and posttest were conducted using subjective and objective skill test and GPAI. These quantitative data were analyzed by paired t test. while qualitative data were collected through coach’s diary, training reflections and interviews of players and analyzed by constant comparison method. The results were (1) For subjective and objective skill pretest-posttest, there were significant differences in tactical execution capabilities (t =.82, p<.05) and hit away (t =4.03, p <.05). (2) For GPAI, there were significant differences in adjustment (t =3.69, p <.05) and skill execution (t =4.03, p <.05). (3) The players were positive about the training activity design and indicated that Game Sense approach could strengthen their competition skills enabled them to enjoy the pleasure of training. (4) The coach pointed out that Game Sense could change players’ negative learning attitude as well as enhance their skills and games performance. (5) The coach was aware about the problem of the competition scoring, training time, group discussion and level of intervention during training, and able to come out with effective strategies. In conclusion, this study showed that the coach and players showed their affirmation and support attitude to Game Sense in softball training, this promoted the training effects of softball players. Through Game Sense, the coach was able to solve the problems encountered and provide different ways of training models to the players. The findings of this study have implications for softball training program design and further related research.
理解式球類訓練法, 壘球訓練, GPAI, 行動研究, 訓練成效, game sense, softball training, GPAI, action research, training effect