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本研究主要以論述分析方法,對賈馥茗中華文化為本之教育文化理念及其全民教育思想進行探討,期能使我國重新反思並重視教育與文化間之緊密連結,並就全民教育思想之概念,作為我國在教育政策推展上之參考。具體而言,本研究目的有四: 一、了解賈馥茗教育思想之學思之旅 二、分析賈馥茗教育文化理念之主要內涵 三、探討賈馥茗植基於中華文化思想之主要內涵 四、闡述賈馥茗全民教育之思想與實踐方式 五、綜合前述,盱衡我國教育發展現狀,擬具可汲取之革新方向 本研究之重要結論包括: 一、賈馥茗的思想除了受其生長環境影響外,更深受傳統中華文化之薰陶,西方心理學與師長如田培林的影響。爰此其教育思想便是築基於中華文化之上所發展而出。 二、賈馥茗之教育文化理念在於其認為教育是一種高度文化的展現,教育的使命表現在文化的傳遞、提升,繼續創造與趨向至善之中。 三、文化的創造出自於全體人民的品質,是以全民教育具有其重要性。其所涵蓋的範圍是全國之人民,以培養人格為教育的主軸。教育內容以道德教育和生活技能教育為主。 四、全民教育的根基在於確切完整的了解與擁有充分的資料,如此才能計畫教育的普及面,估計教育實施的可能性與實施的步驟。 五、全民教育無法脫離政治而單獨實行,其是政治措施的一項而無法切割,而其關鍵來自於根本社會價值觀的轉化。 相關論述顯示出全民教育之提倡有其重要性存在,其所著重之範疇與其實施方式實能提供教育政策在推行時,不僅只是將焦點放於學校之中,而能將家庭、社會等皆納入考量。而其所立基之中華文化,對於今日社會道德淪喪之問題,亦有其價值存在。
By means of the discourse analysis, this study tries to investigate Fu-Ming Jia’s thoughts concerning Chinese traditional culture and the idea of education for all, which stressed tight connection between education and culture. Moreover, it suggests that the education for all based on the Chinese traditional culture put into practice in Taiwan. Through the formal as well as informal ways of learning. This study has five main purposes, and they are: (1) to delve into Fu-Ming Jia’s life experiences and the formation of her educational theories. (2) to analyze Fu-Ming Jia’s interpretation of education and culture. (3) to explore the purports of Fu-Ming Jia’s thoughts concerning Chinese traditional culture. (4) to introduce the proposal of Fu-Ming Jia’s thoughts concerning education for all based on the Chinese culture. (5) to do reflection regarding to make some suggestions for the educational reform in Taiwan. The followings are the main finding of this study, and they are inter alia: (1) Fu-Ming Jia’s thoughts are deeply influenced by her growing environment. Moreover, she was strongly immersed in Chinese traditional culture, as well as western psychological theories and gleaned idea from her teacher Pei-Lin Tien. As it turned out were formed based on Chinese culture. (2) Fu-Ming Jia regarded education as a highly cultural development in education. The mission of education is to transfer, to elevate, and to create culture towards its perfection. (3) The creation of culture resulted from the competence of all people, therefore it has its importance. Because of this, it’s for all people to cultivate intellectual as well as moral virtue. Consequently, she focused the contents of education on moral education and it life skills-based education. (4) Education for all can’t be divorced from the political influences, so the fulfillment of its ideals is the trans formant of fundamental social values.



賈馥茗, 中華文化, 全民教育思想, 文化與教育, Fu-Ming Jia, Chinese traditional culture, Education for all, culture and education

