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夜曲是最具有浪漫氣質體裁的鋼琴獨奏小品,以蕭邦的夜曲最具代表性,夜曲創始者約翰.費爾德,漸漸被眾人忽略,很少人正視費爾德的夜曲。將針對費爾德及蕭邦的夜曲,探討樂曲結構及兩位作曲家夜曲之間的差異,提供日後學習者認識費爾德及夜曲的參考資料。 費爾德共出版了十八首夜曲,蕭邦共出版了二十一首夜曲。在兩位作曲家的夜曲裡,先依照伴奏音型進行分類,再選出三組較為常見的伴奏織度來進行探討。本論文一共分為八章,第一章為緒論,第二章彙整費爾德與蕭邦的生平,第三章介紹夜曲的起源與發展及兩位作曲家夜曲的特色與創作風格。第四、五、六章則進行各組的分析及比較。從夜曲的創作背景,及分析樂曲結構與特色開始介紹,進而再比較出兩首作品裡,蕭邦承接費爾德理念及超越費爾德的地方。第七章從第八章為結論,為研究內容之總結。期望經由以上的探討及研究,能讓日後學習者更了解費爾德,體會到夜曲的精神,進而更貼近蕭邦夜曲裡的創作意念及意境的表達。
Nocturnes are considered to be the most genre of the piano pieces and of all these, Chopin’s are viewed as the most popular and the best representative of its class. Founder of nocturnes as John Feld is, his 18 published pieces of music compared with those by Chopin are not highly appreciated and even by degrees ignored by the public. In the beginning, I would try to figure out the distinction of the nocturnes between the two composers and the differences of how the music compositions are structured to providepossible references for practitioners to consult with. Based on the 39 nocturnes that both composers have published, 18 pieces of music by John Feld and 21 from Chopin, nocturnes according to the Accompanying Pattern are clearly classified in the first place and 3 groups of nocturnes in accordance with the most commonly used Accompanying Composition are carefully selected for the exploration. This thesis on nocturnes is mainly divided into 7 sections. Preface on the thesis is in the first part. You would see in the 2nd chapter the background and lifestyle of both composers are briefly illustrated. Not only have the origin and development of nocturnes and the creative style plus the special features that both of them used in it been systematically listed. In the following 4,5& 6 parts of the paper, a detailed analysis and comparison between the two groups of nocturnes from both composers, from its background, the structure & features of those strains of nocturnes to the ways how Chopin accepted and followed John Feld’s concepts and surpassed himself in the end. After all these researches, a final study conclusion is made in the last part of the thesis. Through the discussion and study, I am convinced that for the future learners they would definitely not merely better understand J. Feld , founder of nocturnes, and the spirit of nocturnes but enhance a step forward the realization of Chopin’s creative ideas and concept in it.



費爾德, 蕭邦, 夜曲, 浪漫樂派

