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本研究旨在探討臺灣家庭教育中心志工的專業表現與工作滿意度之關係,採方便取樣,對臺灣家庭教育中心16個縣市發出問卷調查以蒐集資料,計發出458份問卷,共得有效樣本430份。研究工具包含「專業表現量表」、「工作滿意度量表」,以SPSS 統計軟體進行資料分析,再以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數、迴歸分析及徑路分析進行統計考驗。研究結果摘要如下:
1. 臺灣家庭教育中心志工之專業表現良好。
2. 臺灣家庭教育中心志工之工作滿意度良好。
3. 臺灣家庭教育中心志工在職訓練對專業表現有直接影響。
4. 臺灣家庭教育中心志工專業表現對工作滿意度具有預測力。
5. 專業表現的中介效果呈現於「在職訓練」對工作滿意度的影響徑路。也就是說,志工參與愈多在職訓練,則專業表現愈佳,其工作滿意度也愈高。
This study is mainly discuss with the professional performance and job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center whom involvement to the voluntary service. The study is based on convenience sampling of the volunteers of sixteen institutes of Taiwan family education center. The issued questionnaires are 458, which conclude 430 effective questionnaires. The research tools were composed of two parts:professional performance scale and job satisfaction scale. The data were analyzed with the statistic software SPSS. The statistic methods adopted included descriptive statistics, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, regression analysis and path analysis. The conclusions from the study were as follows: 1. The professional performance of volunteers on Taiwan family education center is in the level of “good”. 2. The job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center is in the level of “good”. 3. Direct Impact of on-job-training is on the professional performance. 4. The professional performance was the most powerful factors to predict the job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center. 5. The mediating effect of professional performance existed on the paths in affecting job satisfaction by on-job-training. In other words, with higher on-job-training, the professional performance is also higher, and the better on their job satisfaction as well. Finally, based on the results of this study, suggestions are proposed for the family education center, volunteers of Taiwan family education center, and the future studies, respectively.
This study is mainly discuss with the professional performance and job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center whom involvement to the voluntary service. The study is based on convenience sampling of the volunteers of sixteen institutes of Taiwan family education center. The issued questionnaires are 458, which conclude 430 effective questionnaires. The research tools were composed of two parts:professional performance scale and job satisfaction scale. The data were analyzed with the statistic software SPSS. The statistic methods adopted included descriptive statistics, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, regression analysis and path analysis. The conclusions from the study were as follows: 1. The professional performance of volunteers on Taiwan family education center is in the level of “good”. 2. The job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center is in the level of “good”. 3. Direct Impact of on-job-training is on the professional performance. 4. The professional performance was the most powerful factors to predict the job satisfaction of volunteers on Taiwan family education center. 5. The mediating effect of professional performance existed on the paths in affecting job satisfaction by on-job-training. In other words, with higher on-job-training, the professional performance is also higher, and the better on their job satisfaction as well. Finally, based on the results of this study, suggestions are proposed for the family education center, volunteers of Taiwan family education center, and the future studies, respectively.
家庭教育中心, 志工, 專業表現, 工作滿意度, family education center, volunteer, professional performance, job satisfaction