
dc.contributorLiaw, Shyue-Cherngen_US
dc.contributor.authorWU, Ju-Yaen_US
dc.description.abstract  氣候變遷已對自然系統與人類社會造成強大衝擊,因應氣候變遷的策略與行動刻不容緩。2015年簽署的《巴黎協定》第12條指出應「加強氣候變遷教育」,因此,氣候變遷教育(Climate Change Education, CCE)被視為提高人們解決環境問題能力的關鍵。然而,我國現有的氣候變遷教育研究多以國小階段的學生與教師作為研究對象,較少關注中學階段的學生,更少有研究以高中學生作為研究對象。因此,本研究專注在高中生上,旨在瞭解台灣高中生的氣候變遷知識、希望感及減緩行為之現況、差異與關聯。   本研究以台灣北部地區一所私立完全中學之高中二年級與三年級學生作為研究對象,研究工具採取問卷調查,問卷內容由四個部分所組成,第一部分為個人基本資料;第二部分為氣候變遷知識問卷;第三部分為氣候變遷希望感量表;第四部份為氣候變遷減緩行為量表。透過敘述統計、比較平均數法(獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析)、相關分析等統計分析方法來考驗研究假設。   研究結果指出,在現況部分:台灣高中生的氣候變遷知識水準適中;具有中間偏高的氣候變遷希望感;減緩行為表現屬於中等積極程度。在個人背景變項部分:不同年級只有在氣候變遷知識得分達到顯著差異;不同的關心程度在氣候變遷希望感與減緩行為得分均達到顯著差異;不同的擔憂程度在氣候變遷知識、希望感與減緩行為得分均達到顯著差異。在相關性部分:氣候變遷知識與希望感間無顯著相關;氣候變遷知識與減緩行為間無顯著相關;氣候變遷希望感與氣候變遷減緩行為則達到中度顯著正相關。   本研究結果提供氣候變遷教育、學校教師與未來研究之參考基礎使用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract  Scientific evidences have confirmed that the impact of human activities is threatening the overall resilience of the Earth system, and harming the foundations of society. The COP21 agreement sets high standards that cannot be achieved by policy and technology alone. Therefore, Climate Change Education (CCE) is regarded as an important role in overall social transformation. The purpose of CCE is to increase youth (Student) ability to criticize climate change issues. Traditionally, climate change education has focused on educating students on the causes and social impacts of global climate change. However, recent studies have focused on students’ emotional education. Climate change adaptation in Taiwan is implemented in school education since 2012, student emotions have not yet been incorporated into the content of the teaching materials. We aim to quantify the effect of the background variables on climate change knowledge, hope and mitigative behavior of Taiwan high school students and further explore the correlation among climate change knowledge, hope and mitigative behavior.   276 students from the second and third grades of high schools in the north of Taiwan as the research object. We use the questionnaire survey, which consists of four parts. The 1st part is the basic information of an individual student; the 2nd part is the test of climate change knowledge; the 3rd part is the scale of climate change hope; the 4th part is the scale of climate change mitigative behavior. Next, we examine the statistics hypothesis through descriptive statistics, comparative average method (independent sample t-test, ANOVA), correlation analysis.   The results indicate that the students have a moderate level of climate change knowledge; Furthermore, the students have a high level of climate change hope and moderately positive mitigative behavior for climate change. Observed differences in the knowledge of climate change in different grades and attention of climate change of students control the hope and mitigative behavior; the anxiety of climate change of students has significant differences in knowledge of climate change, hope, and mitigative behavior. In short, knowledge climate change and hope have no significant correlation (p<0.01), knowledge of climate change and mitigative behavior has no significant correlation (p<0.01). the hope of climate change and climate change mitigation behavior have a moderately significant positive correlation. Through this study, we improved the understanding of the capability and limitation of climate change education on high school students form the psychological aspect.en_US
dc.subjectClimate Changeen_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental Hopeen_US
dc.subjectMitigation of Climate Changeen_US
dc.subjectHigh School Studentsen_US
dc.titleThe Study of Knowledge, Environmental Hope and Mitigation of Climate Change for Taiwan High School Studentsen_US

