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本研究應用健康信念模式探討民眾拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品之行為及相關因素。以南部五縣市之民眾為母群體,採方便取樣、自編結構式問卷收集參與衛生教育宣導活動民眾之資料,共得有效樣本380人(有效回收率96.7%),並以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸分析等進行分析,重要結果如下: 一、 研究對象拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品行為佳(38分/45分)。 二、 研究對象自覺使用不法藥品與保健品罹患性和嚴重性均高;同樣地,拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品的利益性和自我效能均高,但障礙性低。 三、 研究對象自覺使用不法藥品與保健品罹病嚴重性越高、拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品的利益性越高、障礙性越低、自我效能越高,則拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品的行為越佳。 四、 研究對象社會人口學變項、健康信念、行動線索及自我效能可共同解釋拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品行為29.1%的變異量,其中重要預測變項為年齡、職業、拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品的障礙性及自我效能。 本研究建議加強民眾拒絕不法藥品與保健品之宣導,藉此提升自我效能與降低障礙性,進而提升拒絕行為。
In this study, behavior of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements and its related factors was surveyed based on the Health Belief Model. By using convenience sampling, adults aged 20 and more were selected from 2010 health promotion camps held in five southern counties in Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. A total of 380 samples provided valid data (valid rate 96.7%), and one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were the analytic methods used. The major results were as follows: 1. Behavior of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements among the subjects was good (38 / 45). 2. The scores of perceived threatens and seriousness of using illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements among the subjects were high. The scores of the benefits and self-efficacy of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements were high, but the score of the barriers of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements was low. 3. The higher the seriousness of using illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements, and the benefits and self-efficacy of refusal, the higher the behavior of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements among the subjects. However, the lower the barriers of refusal, the higher the behavior of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements. 4. Totally, 29.1% of the variance of behavior of refusing to use illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements was explained by socio-demographic variables, health beliefs, cues to action, and self-efficacy. Age, occupation, the barriers and self-efficacy of refusal were the important factors of behavior. Developing health communication camps to enhance self-efficacy and reduce the barriers of refusing of using illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements was recommended.



健康信念模式, 拒絕使用不法藥品與保健品行為, 自我效能, Health Belief Model, refusal of using illicit pharmaceuticals and health supplements, self-efficacy





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