

民主化的過程,定期舉行的各項公職人員選舉扮演重要的角色,人民透過選舉管道選出代表來表示對政策之喜好。過去我國立委選舉採取單記非讓渡投票法(SNTV),造成選風敗壞、候選人走偏鋒、派系政治等負面的影響。有鑑於此,我國推動選舉制度之改革,於2005年通過憲法修正案,確定第七屆立法委員選舉採取「單一選區兩票制」方式產生。 新的選舉制度的施行,首先要面對的難題是選區劃分。選區規劃是選舉制度中的重要的一環,影響選舉制度改革成敗,選區劃分因為牽涉到政黨、政治人物之利益,足以決定政黨勢力之消長,決定候選人的選情,具有高度政治爭議性的工作。Duverger提出Duverger’s Law認為相數多數決傾向產生兩黨制,單一選區實施對大黨有利,小黨則否。本文以彰化縣為研究對象,探討面向有二:一是以選區劃分公平代表性原則,對彰化縣選區劃分之方案進行檢驗;二是以過去選舉得票資料探討選區之改變對現任立委、政黨生態產生之影響。過去選舉結果來看,彰化縣的基本盤是藍營大於綠營,研究發現彰化縣選區劃分,國民黨將為受益者,對其他政黨會有席次上的損失,並會造成政黨生態的改變。
Regularly election holding for various public service member plays an important role in the progress of democracy, the public elects the representatives through election channel to indicate the strategy preference. In the past, Single Non-Transferable Vote (SNTV) was adopted in the legislator election in the country, which causes negative influences such as corruptive election atmosphere, wrong focus of the candidate and factional politics. For those reason, the reformation of election system is advanced in our country, the 2005 passed constitution revision ascertains of the “Single-Member-District& Proportional Representation System” of the 7th election of legislator. First difficult task encountered in the application of new election system is division of electoral districting. It is an important circle in the election system which influences of the success or failure in election system reformation. The division involves with interests of political parties and politicians, which will decide the growth or decline of the political party and the condition of the candidate. It is an occupation with high political controversy. Duverger mentions his Law and believes that the majority decision tends to lead the occurrence of two parties and the application of Single-Member-District benefits the major party, not the small one. This article takes Changhua county as research target to discuss two aspects: the one is to examine the election area division of Changhua county with the fair representative principal; the second one is to discuss the influence upon current legislator and ecology of political parties from electoral district change through previous vote result information. From the results of previous election it is learned that KMT influence is larger than DPP in the basic situation of Changhua county. It is found in the research that KMT is the beneficiary from the electoral district of Changhua county as there will be loses in seat number to other political party and change ecology of political parties.



單一選區, 單一選區兩票制, 選區劃分, 政黨生態, 單記非讓渡投票制, Single-Member-District, Single-Member-District& Proportional Representation System, electoral district, ecology of political parties, Single Non-Transferable Vote





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