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本研究以敘事觀點探究手語翻譯員之職業生涯建構歷程,在透過提供身心障礙者服務之手語翻譯員,蒐集本身在個人價值、技能、需要或興趣方面,在相關工作與協助經驗、外在職業世界的交互影響下,藉此呈現身心障礙者手語翻譯員的職業價值。 本研究敘事研究方法,訪談四位現職手語翻譯工作者之手語翻譯職業經驗,其研究結果分為兩大部分: 首先,採取「整體--內容」的分析方式以第一人稱呈現研究參與者的生命故事,以探討手語翻譯員的相關生命經驗、職業生涯體驗之職業建構歷程。 另採取「類別--內容」分析方式從手語翻譯職涯故事中試圖找出個體職涯發展中的生涯概念,透過研究參與者手語翻譯職業生涯歷程中除了呈現他們做過的工作類別與內容之外,亦能呈現他們如何因為工作經歷的累積所形成的自己對職業生涯建構,包含:因外在職業世界的理解影響個人對職業生涯的投入程度與承諾;從自我角度觀看職業生涯歷程(手語興趣的培養、工作技能與職業知能的學習、工作態度與工作風格的養成);自我與外在職業世界的交互影響,形成動態的職業生涯;時間的累積增強了個人對生涯的穩定感。 綜合上述,四位現職手語翻譯工作者均表示建立完整的訓練規劃、認證程度與管理規範的重要性,可因此奠定手語翻譯者的專業性,並促進國人對於該職業抱持應有的尊重態度。
Sign language interpreters’ career constructive process is discussed via narrative approach in this study. This study aims to present the career value of sign language interpreters. Re-search materials include research participants’ personal value, skills, needs, interests, and the reciprocal effect of the work experiences and the occupational environment. Based on the narrative research method, the present study investigated the occupational process of four sign language interpreters via semi-structured in-depth interview. The results of this study include two parts: First, sign language interpreters’ career constructive process of life experiences and career experiences is explored via holistic-content analysis from the first person perspective. Second, category-content analysis is used to discover the career concept of individual career development from research participants’ career story. The career process shows not only research participants’ work categories and work contents, but also the way how they develop their own career constructs from work experiences. The career constructs include the individual engagement and commitment to career influenced by the understanding of occupational environment, individual perspective on career process (cultivating interest of sign language, learning professional skills and knowledge, developing work attitude and style), the dynamical career formed by reciprocal effect of an individual and the occupational environment, and the increasing stability of career overtime In conclusion, the four sign language interpreters emphasize a complete training plan, the certification and management practices of sign language interpreters, and those factors could construct the professional performance of sign language translators, and promote people to respect the profession of sign language interpreters.



敘事觀點, 手語翻譯員, 職業生涯建構歷程, career constructive process, sign language interpreter, career constructive process





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