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本研究發展屬於靜享時尚藝術珠寶會館之體驗行銷元素,以 Schmitt(1999)體驗行銷模組 為概念性架構,以質性角度探討並建構顧客在感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯等五種體 驗模型,了解顧客實際需求,進而提升服務品質。研究對象為靜享時尚藝術珠寶會所之 顧客。深度訪談之內容分析發現,每一項體驗策略模組均得到豐富的對應資料,充分反 映 Schmitt(1999)的體驗行銷概念。顧客的「感官體驗」中,以視覺感官最重要;在「情 感體驗」中希望自己配戴的飾品,獨一無二且與眾不同,獲得尊榮感。在「思考體驗」 中,希望創造驚奇進而讓引發顧客的思考;由「行動體驗」中,在於創造顧客的親身體 驗,讓珠寶搭配成為日常生活中的一部分;在「關聯體驗」中,應以「社會識別」為重 要訴求,提到珠寶便會聯想到靜享時尚藝術珠寶會所。會館可以依照本身特色,善加利 用各種體驗媒介的搭配,提供消費者難忘的消費體驗,也引領珠寶產業進入體驗經濟的 時代。 關鍵字:體驗行銷、靜享時尚藝術珠寶會所、消費者體驗、一對一體驗行銷、珠寶
This study develops the components of experiential marketing that belongs to Jing Fashion Art Jewelry according to the Strategic Experiential Module concept proposed by Schmitt(1999). From the angle of qualitative research, this study constructs a specific content of consumers’ experiences of SENSE, FEEL, THINK, ACT, and the RELATE to the understanding of customer’s demands and to promote service quality. The subjects are the customers who experience the service of Jing Fashion Art Jewelry. The results of the content analysis showed the SENSE experience mainly depended through the consumers’ eyes. In FEEL experience, customers hope the jewelries they wore are unique and felt honor and glory. THINK experience in the Jing Fashion Art Jewelry was brought by surprises which led to provocation. ACT experience was to create customers self-experience. Let jewelry coordination becomes a part of daily life. The RELATE experience generated by social identity. When people refer to jewelries, they will immediately think of Jing Fashion Art Jewelry. This study suggests the art gallery can use a variety of experiential media to provide customer an unforgettable consumption experience which is able to lead jewelry industry to a higher experiential economy era. Keywords: experiential marketing, Jing Fashion Art Jewelry, consumer experience, Jewelry



體驗行銷, 靜享時尚藝術珠寶會所, 消費者體驗, 一對一體驗行銷, 珠寶, experiential marketing, Jing Fashion Art Jewelry, consumer experience, Jewelry





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