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  在資訊爆炸的年代中,人們為了能夠快速地吸收以及擷取數量龐大的資訊,故發展出資訊圖表的表現形式,將一些較難理解以及艱澀的事物與議題,藉由資料的視覺化讓觀者能夠以較為直觀的方式瞭解所要傳遞的訊息內容。   現今資訊圖表應用的範圍相當廣泛,不論是何種類型的資訊大抵都能用資訊圖表的方式呈現。但是在閱讀相關作品以及文獻中發現,小說類型的資訊圖表相當少見,最常見的就是以插畫以及圖畫書的方式呈現。   在龐大的資訊洪流中,一般民眾能輕易地從網路上閱覽文學著作,很多優秀的作品會因為字數過多、意境較難理解而促使讀者卻步。本研究以日本作家村上龍的作品,《69》、《LINE》、《跑啊高橋》、《共生虫》以及《料理小說》為例,先透過KJ歸島法,邀請資訊圖表創作領域相關的專家學者,歸納出以時間軸資訊圖表(TimeLine)為主要類型包含直線型、曲線型以及塊狀造型三種敘事表現形態,再與專家訪談篩選出最適合小說呈現的表現形態。希望能藉此研究,用資訊圖表的方式來傳達小說的內容,降低一般民眾閱讀的門檻,進而達到推廣文學閱讀的目的。 關鍵字:資訊圖表、時間軸、村上龍、敘事、小說
In the age of the information explosion, information graphics or infographics have been evolved in a visual presentation to help people understand and absorb the vast amount of data and information quickly and easily. Nowadays infographics in a variety of forms have been used in different areas; however, infographics in novels have not been utilized. Illustrations and pictures are mostly seen in novels. Even though people can access numerous novels online, they often tend to hesitate to read the novels due to the long length of the stories. There are four novels, Sixty-Nine, LINE, The World in Five Minutes from Now, and Parasites, written by Ryu Murakami that are studied in this paper. Infographic designing experts are asked to use KJ Method to sort the certain amount of timeline infographics into three types, including curves, straight lines, and blocks. By interviewing these infographic designing experts, there are three most representative infographics selected from each category. Finally, timeline infographics for Ruy Murakami’s book, Sixty-Nine, are created to be classic examples of the visual presentation of novels. The purposes of studying timeline infographics of novels are attracting general population into reading and promoting the culture of literature. Keywords: Infographic, timeline, Ryu Murakami, Narrative, novel.



資訊圖表, 時間軸, 村上龍, 敘事, 小說, Infographic, timeline, Ryu Murakami, Narrative, novel





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