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Nowadays why is"claw machines wave"booming? Why do claw machines spread over in all the street of corner? To answer this question, the thesis investigate gaming culture of arcade, the male core players, space of gaming and space of consumption with claw machines. The interview methed, textual analysis of video and field research were used as the research method in this article. The aim is to analyze claw machines in Taiwan from space, law, culture and conpect of game and commerce level. The research result shows that" the law of manage amusement arcade " have huge influence in the development of claw machines, claw machines from Taiwan made benefit in deregulation. Although conpect of game and commerce has not enough breakthrough before 2017, after 2017 the emergence of "store owner rent to arcade owner" and"claw machines system" lead to successful boom of second wave of claw machines. The male core players is main group from claw machine games, they satify desire from"sell out". Not only player having fun to "sell out",but also attach importance to profit from "sell out". The claw machine players develop gaming rationalities of depth common sense and tacit knowledge. Not only game rationalities is important conpect of game and commerce from claw machine, but also is the important way to fulfill players' desire of gaming. The claw machine shop develops characteristic of being ugly and simple in Taiwan situation, it can be help to attract grassroot consumers because shops appear friendly. The ugly and simple claw machine shops, manifest rational management. No wonder claw machine shops are popular in Taiwanese social backround of high housing prices.



娃娃機, 遊戲文化, 消費文化, 理性化, 消費空間, 克里歐化, claw machines, game culture, consumer culture, rationalities, consumption spaces, creolization

