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二胡協奏曲《山河頌》為作曲家關迺忠先生創作於2018年的作品,初定標題為《錦繡河山》,為二胡與管弦樂團編制,後重新定名為《山河頌》並移植為國樂團編制版本。作品內容豐富、作曲手法高超,使用豐富的音畫手法,並大量運用琴曲《流水》的旋律素材加以發展。全曲以〈序〉、〈山〉、〈河〉、〈頌〉四個樂章,分別講述作曲家心目中的中國地貌與人文精神,分別呈現了中國文人族群的神韻氣質以及中華民族的壯大恢宏,並蘊藏了作曲家濃烈的思鄉情懷,表面看似歌詠景色,實則為借景抒情。《山河頌》這首作品除了保持關迺忠先生一貫的創作風格以外,也格外重視音畫手法、頑固低音、曲式架構、動機發展等作曲技巧,是一首兼具真摯情感與深度的優秀作品。 本論文意圖透過資料蒐集、文獻彙整、樂曲分析、指揮詮釋等手法,深入探討作曲家的生平歷程及創作理念,有系統的分析樂曲,進而總結指揮詮釋與見解,期許能為往後研究二胡協奏曲《山河頌》的音樂詮釋者提供深入的參考資料。
The Erhu concerto ‘Ode to Mountains and Rivers’ was composed by Naizhong Guan in the year 2018. The content of the music was rich, it had been arranged with sophisticated composition techniques and tone painting methods. Moreover, melody and style of ‘Flowing Water’ in Guqin was extensively used.The piece was divided into ‘Overture’, ’Mountains’, ’Rivers’ and ’Ode’, which particularly describing the land of China and the spirit of humanity. It presents the charm and temperament of Chinese literati, as well as the glorious Chinese culture. It also implied a deep emotion of homesickness, the composer was trying to express the feelings of his hometown through his beautiful music. ‘Ode to Mountains and Rivers’ introduced Naizhong Guan’s characteristic composition techniques, with focusingon tone paintings, basso ostinato, musical forms, structures, the development of motif, etc. It was truly a work of art that is full of passion and emotion.This article investigates the composer’s concept of creation through data collecting and consolidating, analyzation, interpretation of conducting techniques. By fully understanding his output and the conception of composing, to conclude the interpretation and perspectives on conducting through a systematic analysis. This article hopes to contribute to others to further the research in depth on ‘Ode to Mountains and Rivers’ in the future.



山河頌, 關迺忠, 二胡協奏曲, Ode to Mountains and Rivers, Naizhong Guan, Erhu concerto

