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本文主要在探討江學珠女士於1949-1971年間,擔任北一女校長其間得各項建樹與改革,並透過公文檔案與史料的蒐集與分析,來討論江學珠女士的辦學理念與女子教育觀。 全文共分五章,第一章緒論在說明研究背景動機、研究目的、方法與步驟以及研究史料。第二章則簡述江學珠女士的生平,以進一步瞭解她辦學理念建立的過程。第三章從學校公文檔案與各種文獻史料中,分期論述江學珠擔任北一女校長時的各項作為。第四章主要針對第三章所論述得內容進行評析與討論。最後,第五章結論提出本文的結論、啟示與後續研究建議。
The main purpose of this thesis is to study the career and achievements of Ms. Jiang- Syue- Jhu as the Taipei First Girls High School’s principal from 1949 to 1971. The school archives and historical literature were used. The ideas for managing school and educating female by Jiang- Syue- Jhu were discussed. This thesis is divided into five chapters. First chapter explains the background, motive, goal, technique and process of this study, and reviews the historical literature. Second chapter describes Ms. Jiang- Syue- Jhu’s life to understand her ideas for managing school. Third chapter uses the school archives and historical literature to describe all the achievements and reforms when as the Taipei First Girls High School principal. Fourth chapter, based on the contents of the third one, it is to analyze and comment. Finally, the last chapter makes conclusions, inspiration and suggestions for further study.



江學珠, 臺灣女教育家, 女子教育, 北一女, Jiang Syue- Jhu, Taiwanese female educator, women education, Taipei First Girls High School

