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本研究的主要目的在探討空間能力與創意表現之相關性及不同空間能力學生學習3D電腦製圖前後,其創意表現之差異情形。本研究採不等組前後測準實驗研究設計法,研究對象為桃園縣某國立高中九十六學年度入學之三年級學生,共349位。本研究採用平均數、標準差、皮爾森積差相關、單因子共變數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。經由資料統計分析後,本研究所獲得的結論為: 一、空間能力與創意表現之間有相關顯著的關係。 二、學生接受「3D電腦繪圖教學」與「傳統講述教學」方式之後,其創意表現達顯著差異。 三、高、低空間學生使用3D電腦製圖軟體後,其創意表現有顯著差異。 綜合本研究結論,提出建議以供參考: 一、建議可以利用3D電腦繪圖的方式進行創意、設計教學以提升學生的創意表現。 二、教材主題方面能以生活化、學生感興趣的主題為內容,提升學習成就。 三、研究方法能採質的研究以瞭解學生在創意表現背後的歷程與影響因素。
The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between creative performance and spatial ability,and the difference of creative performance of students with different spatial ability before and after they learned 3D computer drafting. The method of this research was based on unequal group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design, and the research subjects were 349 high school Juniors in Taoyuan county, who registered in 2007. The main statistic procedures employed for analyzing the experimental data were Means, Standard, Pearson`s product moment correlation and One-Way ANCOVA. After the data being analyzed, the conclusions of this research were: 1. The relationship Between spatial ability and creative performance was significant. 2. The creative performance between students accepted “3D computer graphics teaching method” and “Traditional lecture-based teaching method” was significantly different. 3. The creative performance between high and low spatial ability students after using 3D computer graphics software was significantly different. Some suggestions were provided here in accordance with the conclusion of this research: 1. 3D computer graphics teaching method can be used in creativity and design teaching in order to promote students’ creative performance ability. 2. In order to enhance the learning achievements , the teaching materials could be liveful and interesting to students. 3. The method of research could adopt qualitative research to understand the procedure and influential factors behind creative performance.



空間能力, 3D繪圖軟體, 創意表現, spatial ability, 3D computer graphics, creative performance





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