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坡地災害為台灣常見災害之一,近年來雖然科技不斷的進步、工程設施不斷興建,但災害的損失卻持續的增加中。White(1945):「工程進行的結果往往不如預期。災害是由於人主動和選擇此要件所構成的觀念,故討論居民的災害識覺成為災害研究的一大重點」。因每個區域的自然特性不同,再加上欲了解居民災害識覺正確與否,故本研究先探討區域的崩壞作用機制,建立災害潛勢評估模式,得知環境的敏感度與危險度,以及有無災害發生之案例。並以此基礎,訪談居民以了解居民災害識覺中的存在識覺和成因識覺是否正確,再了解為何會產生災害的原因。 研究發現實際災害區大多都位在坡地災害危險度極高地區,顯示其它極高未發生災害地區隨時有發生災害之危機。在災害識覺與個人屬性分析裡,災害規模愈大愈易引起居民注意,居民的年齡、居住時間的長短、性別、受災經驗以及資訊取得會影響居民災害識覺。災害識覺與調適行為關聯分析裡,選擇改變環境以及降低易損性居民幾乎都有深刻與正確的成因識覺。在坡地災害危險程度與災害識覺關聯上,位在崩塌極高危險度地區,居民少有提及,多半都是提到地滑、土石流。危險度程度愈高地區的居民,嚴重性識覺愈深刻。最後,除危險程度必須高之外,還要發生災害,則調適行為才會更加積極。以上得知個人屬性會影響本身災害識覺,而環境危險程度則必須有實際發生災害才能深刻影響居民災害識覺。透過本研究可以作為劃分不同區域的危險度,並了解居民需要加強何種識覺才能避免災害的再發生。
The mass wasting is one of Taiwan's common hazards. In recent years, advances in technology, engineering and building facilities have improved significantly, but the loss of hazards continues to increase. White (1945) said the results of artificial facilities are often not as good as expected. Natural hazard always involves human initiative and choice. Therefore, the discussions of hazard perception become the focus of hazard study. Due to the natural characteristics of each region is different, and understanding of the residents of hazard perception is right or not. Therefore, this study was to investigate the region of mechanism of mass wasting, constructing potential evaluation model of hazard, that the environmental sensitivity, risk and whether or not the case of hazards. On this basis, interview the residents to understand the cause and existence of hazard perception is correct, and understand why hazards are generated by residents. The study found most of the hazard areas are exposed in extreme mass wasting risks. Discussion of correlation analysis of perception of hazard and personal characteristics discovers that magnitude, age, gender, lifespan, information and experience of hazard would draw more attention from the local residents. Hazard perception and adjustment behavior in correlation analysis, the choice to change the environment and reduce the vulnerability of the residents of almost every right and a profound cause perception. Mass wasting risk and hazard perception in correlation analysis, in the rock fall of the extremely risk areas, residents rarely mentioned, most of them are referred to landslide, debris flow. The higher risks of the district that residents live in the more profound perception they insist. Finally, in addition to the degree of risk to be high but also the event of a hazard, it will be more extreme adjustment. Therefore, personal characteristics will affect the hazard perception itself, and the mass wasting risk must have occurred to affect the hazard perception of residents. Through the study can be divided into different regions of risk and understand what residents need to strengthen the perception in order to avoid the recurrence of hazard.



崩壞敏感度, 坡地災害危險度, 坡地災害系統, 災害識覺, 調適行為, Mass Wasting Susceptibilit, Mass Wasting Risk, hazard system of Mass Wasting, Hazard Perception, Adjustment Behavior





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