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本研究旨在探討臺灣國際會議選址評估與區位發展之關係,研究方法採以修正式德爾菲法與層級分析法,建構臺灣國際會議選址評估指標與權重排序,另就臺灣國際會議舉辦地點之區位分佈脈絡,分析國際會議區位發展模式,藉以瞭解國際會議選址與區位發展之關係。研究資料來源係以國際會議協會(International Congress& Convention Association, ICCA)所登記之1999至2009年間於臺灣舉辦之協會型國際會議為主要研究對象。研究顯示,臺灣國際會議選址評估指標以「基本設施」構面最為重要,其替選方案分析,北部地區優勢乃以「會議設備」、「餐旅設施」、「地理環境」、「專業素質」以及「政府支持」為主;中部地區則較為突顯「會議費用」;南部地區多屬次要優勢,故為選址次要優勢區域;東部地區則以「觀光資源」、「社會安全」以及「其他開銷」為優勢。其次,臺灣舉辦國際會議之區位發展已突破以北部地區為主的發展範疇,轉而有朝向中、南部等區域擴散之趨勢。再者,以舉辦國際會議的季節性氣候因素分析發現,南部地區亦有四季皆宜舉辦國際會議之優勢;國際會議之舉辦地點也會產生依會議之性質及內容尋求於相容性較高之區位進行辦理,促使該國際會議能與在地產業更為緊密結合,另有與當地國際觀光旅館區位分佈形成空間相依性較高的現象。最後,就國際會議選址評估與區位發展之階段性分析發現,第一階段區位策略為核心發展期,選址準則以基本設施為方針;第二階段區位策略為核心外圍區位擴張期,選址準則以基本設施與區位條件為要;第三階段區位策略屬全面擴散期,相較其選址準則納入全面性評估考量。綜合前述結論與建議,冀能提供國內產官學各相關單位於辦理或行銷推廣國際會議在臺舉辦與後續學術研究之參考依據。
The main purpose of the research is to discuss the relationship between the evaluation of international conference site selection and locale development. Delphi and AHP methods were utilized to establish site selection indicators and weight priority system. Also to understand the relationship between international conference site selection and locale development, international conference allocation model was used, whose data were collected from current international conference held in Taiwan. Second-hand data were provided by International Congress& Convention Association (ICCA) from 1999 to 2009, and the object of study is association type international conference held in Taiwan. The research shows that the major Taiwan international conference site selection indicator is “fundamental infrastructure”, and alternate plans will be “conference facilities”, “hospitality facilities”, “geographic environment”, “professional quality”, and “governmental support” in northern Taiwan; “conference cost” in central Taiwan; “Tourism resources”, “social security”, and “other expenses” in eastern Taiwan. Indicators for southern Taiwan are subordinate site selection region. The second finding in the research is that locale development for international conference is shifting from northern Taiwan to central and southern Taiwan. Thirdly, according to seasonal climate factors, southern Taiwan has competitive advantages among other locales. Locations of international conferences will highly depend on the nature and contents of them, and then most compatibility locale will be considered. Meanwhile, local basic infrastructure, such as International Tourists Hotels, will form cluster performance in the area. Last, the analysis of international conference site selection and locale development shows the first stage strategy is core development: site selection criterion is fundamental infrastructures. The second is core periphery diffusion: site selection criterions are fundamental infrastructures and locale conditions. The third is full scale diffusion: site selection criterion is overall evaluation. On the basis of the overall results, this study can provide reference for future international conference marketing and processing by government, educators, or PCO’s.



國際會議, 區位發展, 選址評估, 空間分佈, International conference, locale development, site selection evaluation, spatial distribution





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