dc.contributor | 姜逸群 | zh_TW | | 李冠瑩 | zh_TW | | 2019-08-28T06:02:35Z | | | 2003-07-01 | | | 2019-08-28T06:02:35Z | | | 2001 | |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究的目的為瞭解台灣地區醫院網站之網站功能提供情況及網站品質情況。 本研究之研究對象為台灣地區綜合醫院網站。在醫院網站功能提供情況,針對所有之醫院網站以自編之結構式問卷採研究者線上觀察評估的方式進行量性資料蒐集;資料分析採描述性統計及單因子變異數分析。在網站品質情況,以台北市醫院網站為樣本以研究者線上觀察網頁內容採開放登錄的方式進行質性資料之蒐集;資料分析採內容分析法。研究所得之結果如下: 1.醫院網站功能提供情形方面,醫院網站主要提供的功能為「醫院簡介」(100%),其次為「醫療服務」(90.4%),第三為「最新訊息」(74.3%),其他功能依次為「衛生教育」(65.4%)、「醫療資源提供」(59.6%)及「溝通交流」(25.7%)。 2.醫院層級不同,其整體網站功能亦有顯著差異。醫院簡介功能、醫療服務功能、衛生教育功能、最新訊息功能及醫療資源提供功能分別因醫院層級不同而有顯著的差異;但溝通交流功能未因醫院層級不同而有顯著差異。 3.醫院地區不同,其整體網站功能沒有顯著差異。 4.資訊來源品質情況:不論地區、區域及醫學中心網站僅在網頁版權所有者之陳述完善;在網站建置者及管理者、網站目的、評鑑支持及作者鑑定之陳述均不足。 5.資訊內容品質情況:不論地區、區域或醫學中心網站所提供衛教文章在廣度上主題限於各科疾病常識,對象無特定;在寫作品質上適合大眾閱讀;在可信度及時效性上均標明不足。在深度方面,所提供之衛生教育文章數量以醫學中心最多,區域醫院次之、地區醫院最少。 6.資訊設計品質情況:在網頁設計方面,不論地區、區域或醫學中心網站在首頁設計均提供醫院名稱、醫院標誌及主選單;背景均採白色或淺色底;大部分網站放置醫院或醫療相關照片;部分網站放置最新訊息、醫院聯絡資訊或網站建置及管理資訊;在本文頁設計均提供本文頁說明標題;背景均採白色或淺色底;本文以顏色、字體大小、字型或設計加以區別大標題、小標題與內文文字;大部分網站在本文頁中運用點選單、圖片及表格。在多媒體的運用方面,不論地區、區域或醫學中心網站在簡報、聲音、動畫及視訊之運用極少。 7.資訊組織結構品質情況:在資訊結構及設計方面,不論地區、區域及醫學中心網站連結層次約3~4層;首頁最高連結數量約6~15個;連結分類邏輯清楚。在文件瀏覽方式方面,不論地區、區域或醫學中心網站大部分均採固定之點選單及回首頁鈕;對於網站導覽地圖、內部搜尋介面提供的極少。 根據研究結果,醫院可對網站作整體性之規劃以提供完善網站功能;醫療衛生主管單位可發展醫療相關網站之評鑑制度以提升網站品質。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | The purpose of this study were to realize the functions and the quality of general hosipital web sites in Taiwan area. The sbjects of this study were the general hosipital web sites in Taiwan area. The methods of this study were sperated into two parts. In the web site functions provided aspect, quantitative data of all the general hospital web sites in Taiwan area were collected by the researcher on-line observation with self-designed structured questionary and analysed with descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA. In the web site quality aspect, qalitative data of 18 general hospital web sites in Taipei were collected by the researcher on-line observation in open recording methods and analysed with content analysis method. The result of this study were as follows: 1.The major functions provided by general hosipital web sites were hosipital introduction(100%), medical services(90.4%), hot news(74.3%), health education(65.4%), health resources providing(59.6%), and communication(25.7%). 2.The whole function of general hosipital web sites differs with hosipital levels. Besides communication, many major functions such as hosipital introduction, medical services, hot news, health education, and health resources providing differ with hosipital levels. 3.The whole function of general hosipital web sites doesn’t differ with the location of the hosipitals. 4.The situation of the information resource quality: no matter of what level of the general hospital web site, besides the web site copyright there were not enough descriptions of web site structer and manager, purposes, award, and author. 5.The situation of the information content quality: in the width aspect, no matter what level of the general hospital web site, the subjects of health education articals limited in disease knowledge and the major object of health education articals is general population but special population. The writing quality is suitable for general population. There were not enough descriptions of the web site accuracy and currency. In the number of the health education articals, the most is medical center web site, the second is the area hospital web site, the third is the local hospital web site. 6. The situation of the information designed quality: no matter what level of the general hospital web site, there are little use of multimedias. 7.The situation of the information structural quality: no matter what level of the general hospital web site, in the imformation sructure and design aspect, the link levels number of the web sites is between 3 and 4. The highest link number of the homepage is between 6 and 15. The links of the web sites are logicaly classified. In the aspect of navigation within the document, there are little use of sitemaps and searching interfaces within the web sites. According to the result, hosipital web sites could be desighed in the whole aspects to provid perfect fucntions and the hygiene organization could develop a review system of the hospital web sites to improve the quality of the hospital web sites. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 健康促進與衛生教育學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | 688050174 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 醫院網站 | zh_TW |
dc.title | 台灣地區之醫院網站的功能及品質評估研究 | zh_TW |
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