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本研究為一調查研究且採用自填式問卷為研究工具,主要目的在於探討國中學生環境行為的實際情形,及影響國中學生採行環境行為的因素,研究過程共分兩階段,第一階段為環境行為影響因素調查,間隔一個月後進行環境行為執行情形的調查,並以分層集束抽樣的方式選取屏東縣四所國中十二個班級的學生為研究對象,最後得有效樣本386人,所得資料以雙因子重複量數、皮爾森積差相關、多元線性迴歸分析及虛擬變項迴歸分析來進行處理,並得到以下重要結果: 一、在研究對象實際採取的環境行為類型中,生態管理行為高於消費者行為,消費者行為又高於說服行為。 二、研究對象的環境行為平均執行率,不會因為他們的性別及家庭社經地位不同而有顯著差異,但會因年級的不同而有所差異;其中一年級的學生在生態管理行為、消費者行為和說服行為的平均執行率均顯著高於三年級學生,而二年級學生只有在說服行為上的平均執行率顯著高於三年級學生,不過一年級和二年級學生,不論在哪一類型的環境行為平均執行率上均沒有顯著差異。 三、研究對象之環境問題知識、環境行為策略覺知、應用環境行為技能覺知、內外控信念、環境責任感、環境敏感度及環境行為態度等變項與環境行為意圖間,存有顯著正相關,且可解釋環境行為意圖的變異量達24.47﹪,其中,以環境敏感度及應用環境行為技能覺知能夠有效預測環境行為意圖。 四、在排除社會人口學變項及情境因素的影響後,研究對象之生態管理行為意圖、消費者行為意圖及說服行為意圖分別對生態管理行為、消費者行為及說服行為具有顯著的影響力,且其淨解釋力分別為5.40﹪、4.10﹪及5.40﹪。 研究者針對上述結果進行討論,並對環境教育實務應用及未來研究提供建議。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the influential factors of environmental behaviors and examine the environmental behaviors of the junior high school students in Pingtung after one month. The sample (n=386) was selected by stratified cluster sampling. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires, and analyzed using SAS8.1 for Two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment Correlations, Multiple linear regression analysis and Multiple-linear regression analysis with dummy variables. The results of this research were as follows: 1.The most performance of environmental behaviors toward subjects was Eco-management, the more was Consumer/economic action, and the least was Persuasion. 2.The frequency of environmental behaviors performed by different grades subjects was significantly different. 3.The 24.47﹪variance of intention toward environmental behavior could be explained by knowledge of problem, perceived knowledge of environmental action strategies, perceived skill in using environmental action strategies, locus of control, environmental responsibility, environmental sensitivity, and environmental attitude. However, only environmental sensitivity, and perceived skill in using environmental action strategies were the powerful predictors. 4.When demographic variables and situational factors were kept under control, the intention to Eco-management, Consumer/economic action, and Persuasion were still powerful predictors toward the environmental behaviors. Recommendations of researches and education toward environmental behaviors in the future were presented at the end of this thesis.



環境行為, 環境教育, 國中學生, Environmental behavior, Environmental education, Junior high school student





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