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The possibilities of cognitive enhancement have won popularity among commons and academic circles in recent decades. Cognitive enhancement has often been associated with advances in neuroscientific technologies aimed to improve cognitive and intellectual capacities of the brain. It focuses on the improvement of cognitive functions, such as attention, reasoning, memory and executive function. Traditionally, enhancement of cognitive performance could be achieved through conventional way such as structured classroom teaching, individual learning, training (ex. abacus, foreign language, exercise), as well as the use of external information-processing devices. Contemporary attempts to improve cognitive performance often involve the consumptions of drugs, such as amphetamine, methylphenidate, and modafinil, or utilization of electrical brain stimulators. Throughout the whole life span, the adaptations to the diverse contexts and changing social environments are very important to individuals. Capabilities of significant changes of brain and neural system in the complex environments have been referred to as neuroplasticity. During recent years, the literature on cognitive training has been growing rapidly. Neuroplasticity can be observed in mind and brain after training intervention, and the scope and pattern of training effects can be measured to identify the underling mechanism. In general, this study aims to develop teaching and learning programs to enhance cognitive performance through the application of educational neuroscience into the optimization, generalization and integration of instructional techniques. Optimization refers to the improvement of existing techniques to achieve better results. Generalization refers to the application of existing techniques to different domains and integration refers to the combination of several existing techniques to create more effective techniques. Topic One: Exploring Cognitive Enhancement through Teaching Programs. The Design of New Teaching Model of Neuroanatomy to Prevent Neurophobia in Preclinical Medical Students. Topic Two: Exploring Cognitive Enhancement through Learning Programs. Six-month abacus training improves working memory performance in children: a functional MRI and behavior study. Exam the effects of short term abacus training on brain structure, activation pattern and behavior, as a potential learning program to improve working memory.



none, Cognitive enhancement, Cognitive training, Neuroplasticity, Teaching Programs, Neurophobia, Learning Programs, abacus training, working memory

