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本研究旨在編製和設計一個適合國中七年級實施合作學習之教學活動,運用學生小組成就區分法進行異質分組教學並瞭解其實施結果。希望藉由異質分組討論教學之實施,瞭解其對學生學習數學態度之變化與同儕互動之表現情形,並且探討國中數學教師對實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學的可行性、實施限制以及改進策略。本研究採質性研究為主,輔以描述性統計分析之個案研究,探討歷經十二週共計四個主題的合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式對33位學生學習態度改變與同儕互動表現情形。透過教學活動回饋單、學習自評表、小組成員互評表、數學情意與同儕互動表現問卷、訪談、教室觀察與教學錄影等資料,進行分析與質性詮釋。 研究結果發現:(一)實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式,能提升學生數學學習興趣;(二)實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式,對減輕學生的數學學習焦慮並不明顯;(三)實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式,對同儕互動表現有正面提升作用;(四)實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式,能促進班級團隊合作精神;(五)實施合作學習學生小組成就區分法教學模式,能發揮補救教學的功能。最後,研究者再依據教學上的反思,說明本研究之可行性與實施限制,並提出改進的相關建議。
The major purpose of this study was to slect and design a collaborative mathematical activities curriculum for the seventh grade students in junior high school. Through practicing the curriculum, students’ attitude toward mathematics learning and peer interaction was better understood, and the feasibility, limitations, and improvement strategies of mathematical activities for implementation of cooperative learning STAD model were also explored. Qualitative research as well as analysis of descriptive statistics by case study was applied. Four activities for learning mathematics by implementation of cooperative learning STAD model were conducted in a group of thirty-three students. Data were collected through worksheets, feedback, pretest-posttest questionnaires, interviews, observation, and videotaping. The data were analyzed through methods of qualitative and quantitative research. The major findings of this study include: (1) Cooperative learning (STAD) model were found contributed to enhance interest in learning mathematics. (2) Cooperative learning (STAD) model did not reduce students’ anxiety significantly. (3) The implementation of cooperative learning STAD model for peer interaction to enhance the performance of a positive effect. (4) The implementation of cooperative learning STAD model can promote team spirit class. (5) The implementation of cooperative learning STAD model can exert the function of the remedial instruction. Finally, based on the reflection in teaching, the researcher indicated the feasibility and limitations of the study, and made suggestion of future studies.



合作學習, STAD, 數學學習態度, 同儕互動, cooperative learning, STAD, Attitude towards learning mathematics, peer interaction





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