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本研究以參與馬拉松運動的跑者,其參與過程的平衡之道為題,分為三個面向,探討跑者「參與阻礙」、「因應策略」以及「持續涉入效益」各面向之經驗。蒐集國內外相關文獻並整理作為本研究基礎概念,以質性研究一對一深度訪談方式,訪問六位從事路跑運動生涯超過兩年,順利完成全程馬拉松三場以上的市民跑者,針對參與馬拉松面對阻礙的歷程進行歸納整理。  經過研究結果分析與統整,將馬拉松跑者的參與阻礙與因應策略分為三個面向。一、身體因素:身體受傷或遭遇疾病勢必會影響跑步造成的阻礙,因而產生出認識身體與重視身心健康,更在生活作息與飲食調整來維持。二、家人因素:家庭的責任與照顧會阻礙馬拉松的訓練及比賽,有效的時間管理和充分溝通變得至關重要,才能在追求跑步的自我實踐時,同時也保持了家庭的和諧與幸福。三、工作因素:市民跑者面臨工作的忙碌,對馬拉松訓練造成一定的影響,同時也是一個學習如何有效管理工作的機會。透過計畫未來、跑步來紓壓、善用晨跑以及靈活調整工作的策略。  希望本研究結果能提供馬拉松跑者遭遇阻礙時,更全面了解相關的風險與增加持續參與的策略,以及針對初次參與馬拉松跑者,能有所心理建設以及設定合理目標提供建議,更期待能提供現代人重視工作、家庭與自我實踐的平衡中,有正向的經驗參考。最後,對未來學術研究上提出可延伸的研究概念。
The thesis inspects the balancing process of marathon runners' participation. The experience is divided into three phrases: participation barriers, coping strategies, and benefits of sustained involvement. The thesis, firstly, reviewed related domestic and international literature. Secondly, a qualitative approach was used to conduct one-by-one in-depth interviews with six marathon runners who have been engaged in long-distance running for over two years and have completed three or more full marathons. Based on data analysis and interpretation, marathonrunners’ participation barriers and coping strategies are divided into three phrases: (1): Physical factors: Injuries or illnesses inevitably hinder running, prompting runners to prioritize physical and mental health through lifestyle adjustments. (2): Family factors: Family responsibilities and caregiving duties can impede training and races, emphasizing the importance of effective time management and communication to maintain harmony and happiness while pursuing running goals. (3): Work factors: Busy work schedules pose challenges to marathon training but also provide opportunities to learn effective work management strategies. Planning, running for stress relief, utilizing morning runs, and flexible work adjustments are some coping strategies.The study aims to provide comprehensive insights into the risks and strategies for sustaining participation when marathon runners encounter obstacles. Recommendations are offered for novice marathon participants, including psychological preparation and goal setting. It also seeks to offer positive references for modern individuals balancing work, family, and self-realization. Lastly, it suggests future research concepts for academic exploration.



耐力性質休閒, 認真休閒, 質性研究, 戶外休閒, 阻礙, 因應策略, endurance leisure, serious leisure, qualitative approach, outdoor recreational sports, coping strategies





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