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漢學者與庶民的漢籍學習指南.路徑.方法 -江戶時代漢學入門書研究 江戶時代堪稱日本漢學的巔峰造極時代,然無論漢籍的學習如何普及,漢學素養如 何深厚,對江戶人而言,漢籍乃是以漢文這一「外文」所寫成的典籍,必當有其特殊之 學習法。本計畫擬針對江戶時代各家派的代表性漢學者,如伊藤仁齋、荻生徂徠、林述 齋、貝原益軒、佐藤一齋、古賀侗庵、江村北海、市野迷庵等,傾其畢生蘊積之漢籍學 習經驗,而為漢學初學者所撰寫而成的,範圍遍及儒學思想、史學、詩文的學習入門書 為主要研究對象。再輔以寬政改革以還,於江戶後期的天明6 年(1786)所出版的,為一 般江戶庶民(町人)所編纂成套的劃時代漢籍學習參考書-《經典余師》為研究對照組, 考察探討漢學者與庶民之間的漢籍學習指南.路徑.方法,在教材選擇、學習方法、教 授目標、出版文化、傳媒形式與其所涵育出的文化素養,乃至其對漢籍或漢學所抱持的 態度等,究竟有何異同?以及由各種學習法可看出中國典籍在日本的傳播途徑為何?造 成何種文化效應?並藉由探討知識階層與庶民階層之間漢籍、漢學學習教育的差異,繼 而思考其彼此之間諸如生活、文化、思想、價值觀的同調異趣為何?以及各家派、各學 者之各種獨特漢籍、漢學學習法,在成熟發展並推廣普及化後,又為其各自所屬的階層 帶來何種學問、生活、觀念乃至生命上的變化,進而帶動何種傳統與學問的革新?又與 明治以還的近代日本,乃至現今日本的漢文教育有何關聯性或因果關係?本計畫透過對 此一系列問題的考察與探究,試圖勾勒出近世到近代日本的漢籍、漢學學習實況,以為 今日吾人在重新檢討日本漢文教育之可能發展的思考資源。
The Study on the Primers in Kangaku in the Edo Period The Edo 江戶 Period is the climax of Kangaku 漢學. But the Chinese literatures as foreign literatures must be read by special way. This plan will aim at the typical Kangaku scholars in the Edo Period, for example, Ito Jinsai 伊藤仁齋, Ogyu Sorai 荻生徂徠, Hayashi Jyussai 林述齋, Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒, Sato Issai 佐藤一齋, Koga Doan 古賀侗庵, Emura Hokkai 江村北海, Ichino Meian 市野迷庵 etc. to study the primers they wrote in Confucianism, history and literature for beginners and refer to Keiten Yoshi 經典余師, which is the reference book published in 1786 for the masses to study the similarities and dissimilarities of the learning method, the goal, the culture and the attitude between the Kangaku scholars and the masses, and to observe the path and the influence of the spread of Chinese Literatures in Japan. By observing the difference between the Kangaku scholars and the masses, we can think about the similarities and dissimilarities of their life, culture, thought and valus, and think about the change of their life and thought and the renovation of scholarship after the Chinese literatures and the learning methods became general, and their relation with the Chinese literature education in the Meiji 明治 Period and today. This plan will draw the outline of the study of Kangaku from modern period to nowadays to help us to consider the Chinese literature education in Japan through the study.
The Study on the Primers in Kangaku in the Edo Period The Edo 江戶 Period is the climax of Kangaku 漢學. But the Chinese literatures as foreign literatures must be read by special way. This plan will aim at the typical Kangaku scholars in the Edo Period, for example, Ito Jinsai 伊藤仁齋, Ogyu Sorai 荻生徂徠, Hayashi Jyussai 林述齋, Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒, Sato Issai 佐藤一齋, Koga Doan 古賀侗庵, Emura Hokkai 江村北海, Ichino Meian 市野迷庵 etc. to study the primers they wrote in Confucianism, history and literature for beginners and refer to Keiten Yoshi 經典余師, which is the reference book published in 1786 for the masses to study the similarities and dissimilarities of the learning method, the goal, the culture and the attitude between the Kangaku scholars and the masses, and to observe the path and the influence of the spread of Chinese Literatures in Japan. By observing the difference between the Kangaku scholars and the masses, we can think about the similarities and dissimilarities of their life, culture, thought and valus, and think about the change of their life and thought and the renovation of scholarship after the Chinese literatures and the learning methods became general, and their relation with the Chinese literature education in the Meiji 明治 Period and today. This plan will draw the outline of the study of Kangaku from modern period to nowadays to help us to consider the Chinese literature education in Japan through the study.